MovieChat Forums > Detectorists (2014) Discussion > Not sure why I like it so much but I do

Not sure why I like it so much but I do

I really like the show. It has a sort of calming nature to it. Sort of like feeling the episode is you catching up on what two friends are up to.

The 2 main characters remind me of those dudes you run in to during your life that don't add significant spark and electricity to your day but they are fun to run in to now and again. You are always better off knowing folks like that that you are if you don't. The are polar opposites of me but I'd still dig an occasional beer and hearing about what they have been up to since i last saw them.


I like the photography, music, the real feeling characters, and the funny dialogs. I even know a guy was played by his ex-wife like that for years.


A lot of effort has gone in to filming it in an unusual calming way. The sound engineering is especially complex. I suspect whoever decided on this route might be in to ASMR audio/video.


Nice post and thread.

I love this show. It captures pretty authentically what it's like to be into something that's not very popular and how that leads to misunderstandings and isolation except for that one friend or two. Also, the quiet soundtrack is awesome.


The day I discovered this show is the day I won the lottery.

No....not like Lance. 😢


I love it too, and I know exactly why.

I'm in America and I've just finished watching Season 2, and I would say this is the Best Written, Best Produced, Best Directed, Best Cast, and Best Acted television series I've seen this century. Every aspect of this TV series is of uncommonly outstanding quality for series television.

And considering Mackenzie Crook created, writes, directs, and stars in this charming little unassuming gem, I would give him every award it's possible to give him. Can't say I knew much about Mr. Crook on this side of the pond before coming across Season 1 last year, but I sure do now. What a fantastically talented human being, who gets what life is all about for all of us on this planet.


Agreed. It's not gut-laugh funny, but rather low key and smartly comedic. It's really a relaxing show. I can't think of another show quite like it. The Indian Doctor kind of comes close, but is more dramatic.
