Worth a watch

Just watched this on Vimeo for 4 bucks and it's certainly worth a watch. I will state a common belief held by many in Soviet-besieged Ukraine....that's right I said Soviet. That's the heart of what many now believe, the sovereign, independent, non-Russian, UN recognized nation of Ukraine is facing a revived USSR with Kiev a mere republic status capital.

Those intrigued by conspiracies will appreciate this movie and its message. Sadly too much of this films content is factual and historical so this should whet the appetite.

Hail Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes!

what ails most madmen is realitys grasp or escape, a paralysis of analysis


By and large I have little patience for "conspiracy theories," since they seem to distract capable minds rather than empowering them to address (actually do something about) the greater subject that the theory entangles itself within.

I thought this film (being an American who was about 10 years old when the USSR fell apart) was a brilliant mix of fact, theory, history, current events and imaginative story telling. Had it veered too far off in any one of those directions it might have failed to bring its complicated and incredible messages across in the powerful way it did.

Of course, this film will appear as something else to Ukranians than it does to the international community. But I think it's a really important message for the international community to understand, and I hope this film continues to find a wide audience.

When films like this slip under my radar (I am primarily interested in documentaries) it just boggles my mind. Such a brilliant film- and until today, when I watched it- I didn't even know it existed.
