These are fantastic!!

I love all of them so far.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


I love all of them so far.

Me too!


Life sure can be interesting sometimes.

Prince died yesterday. I was kind of bummed out about it. I went to YouTube, simply typed in Prince for my search, and watched some of his videos as my own little tribute to him.

As I got further down the list one of the Princess Rap Battles videos was mixed in with the Prince stuff. I had never heard of Princess Rap Battles before. It happened to be Katniss vs Hermione and I am a big fan of The Hunger Games movies so the video was irresistible to me, I had to check it out.

Awesome! It's hilarious! Naturally, I took it from there and ended up watching all 7 of the Princess Rap Battles. Lots of laughs. They managed to cheer me right up.

So what can I say? I am not happy that Prince died but because of his untimely passing I discovered Princess Rap Battles. It feels like the saying about life closing one door while opening another one applies here....
