Not clever enough

Great movies pack so much depth into such a short time and I was hoping that this would do the same. Unfortunately it didn't. We got to know a little about one guy and his brother's girlfriend; nothing about the teacher or why he had had completely enough. So much out of context. Silly things like how the main lead cut off the teacher's thumbs when he had no weight bearing down on his arms (being left handed was not enough!) and how the brother's girlfriend miraculously found them were incredibly annoying. Wish I hadn't bothered!


Fake reviews and votes are enough for me to boycot any film, and this one had it. Sometimes I like b-movies, but I refuse to watch anything that has fake reviews on this site, and I will continue to boycot them until it stops, I hope everyone else will do the same.


I think there is just one, one single person, that writes all these fake reviews. They all sound exactly alike. Jeebus!!!


yup. most likely.


Why or how the teacher had come to be at the end of his wits? Umm...try teaching American undergraduates. After about a year, you'll want to do this to 2/3 of any class. I can only imagine that high school and lower would be worse. It's been a few generations now since students were confronted with the fact that they are wholly ignorant of most everything, and need to STFU and learn how to learn, or GTFO of our schools and into a career. Seriously; the young adults are delusional in their belief that they are tiny little experts on just about everything.


nope. those guys were c*nts and they deserved much worse.
