Gils girlfriend

anyone else think shes just an over nosy person who needs to mind her own damn *beep*


No, I don't blame her one bit for trying to figure out what's going on. For all she knew, Gil could have been cheating on her, or dealing drugs, or some other criminal activity, ALL of which would have directly affected her. And if he's dumb enough to watch a video over and over again while sobbing and then not shut the door to the safe, that's on him. So no, I don't think she was nosy. I know I'd be concerned if my girlfriend was sobbing periodically, meeting up with someone she hadn't seen in years, and leaving at all hours of the night right after a good friend was murdered, all the while saying "nothing's wrong."


Its stupid of Gil to keep her in the dark.


He had a girlfriend? I honestly thought he was way too damn messed up to be in a relationship with anybody until he dealt with his issues first.
