For liars by liars

Do pastors ever teach about biblical contradictions? How about the PAGAN origins of Christmas and Easter? What about how the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written decades after the events happened by UNKNOWN authors and that the names were pulled out of the air by early pastors and that we have no idea who really wrote them?

Or how about how no one believed "Jesus" was God until after the original apostles died?

No? Your pastor never mentioned this? He / she learned all of this in seminary school though History of Christmas


Not the easiest question to answer, but this should answer about the origin of Christmas.

God bless.


No, this imaginary jewsus guy has no know date it was made up as so was he. They stole the winter solstice for his birth day to assimilate.

If you think the bible written by unknown about unknown peoples claims of other unknown people is evidence, then why arent you every other religion including islam aswell? Oh you where not brain washed into even any other christian cult as a child! LOL

Do you kill those who work saturday as your god commands int he bible? LOL

My pea tastes like toast


Only one the apostles is known he never met this jesus guy.
All the fairy tales are written years after they where ment to happen 70-110 years and heavily edited.

My pea tastes like toast
