Torrey DeVitto!

Just saw this last night and loved Torrey DeVitto! I did NOT think of Angelina Jolie (as others have posted), but she was still outrageously beautiful and carried herself really well. And kudos to costume design for those dresses they put her in!

I enjoyed the movie: the only cringe-worthy moment was when the small orchestra started to play for the party rehearsal and it was obviously a recording of a MUCH larger orchestra.

"Digital Disruption": The perverse devaluation of creative labor and loony overvaluation of an elite tier of managers and bean counters. Charles McNulty


I love Torrey! I have ever since One agree Hill! Definitely no Angelina Jolie look-a-like! Torrey is much better looking.


the problem I had was with her character development.. she was introduced as the "best" party planner and cracks under pressure at the smallest inconvenience ?! come on man
