Actresses looks

Glad to see Linda Thorson who looks beautiful and classy. And boy that young actress Torrey looks like a less extreme version of Angelina Jolie.


I thought the same thing about Torrey looking like Jolie. Unfortunately, she has an enormous , shall we say, hip area, which wardrobe tried to disguise, but it showed anyway.


Enormous hips? This is what is wrong with society today. People saying that women like this actress or Sandra Bullock or Scarlett Johannson are fat because their hips are wider than a 12 year old boys. They are not enormous: they are fit and look like women.


I don' t think she looks like Angelina Jolie. I think she's prettier then Jolie.


How they had her in the Red and Orange Dresses, she looked real nice.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley


Absolutely, the resemblance is striking. At some angles she also reminded me of the actress Ana Alicia, especially around the eyes.


Watching this movie now, and I noticed the resemblance to Angelina right away. But, I totally see the Ana Alicia resemblance as well. And, the fact that someone remembers Ana Alicia is great!


i thought the same !! her smile and eyes are really similar to Jolie
