MovieChat Forums > Open Heart Discussion > Dylan needs better fleshing out.

Dylan needs better fleshing out.

She seems to have nothing outside of her obsession of finding her dad or anything relating to him. I mean, what was she doing or like before her dad disappeared? She feels very one note.

I would always rather be happy than dignified. 



She also needs to be played by a better actress who has more than one facial expression.


'Fleshing out'? I'd say she needs flushing down! What utter tripe this show and its annoying 'characters' are!


Basically, we got a somewhat decent definition of her personality in the pilot, but it goes downhill from there. I don't mind the idea of her being a troublemaker with a heart of gold, it's just we need more than that, and maybe the rest of the season also play with her being in and out of trouble amongst other stuff (like giving her relationships with her mom and sister more depth, for instance).
