Great Review

User Reviews

The devil isn't evil. He's just another arrested-development male
25 January 2016 | by motets (United States) – See all my reviews
What's the point of this show other than to fill a time-slot vacated by other failed shows? The devil, the potent symbol of temptation and evil, is rehabilitated into an avenging cop wanna-be. Really? He's depicted as a Hollywoodesque alluring male fantasy-figure: well-groomed, athletic, with an upper-class British accent and possessing cool cars, clothes, and big boy materialistic toys. He's anti-children (i.e., anti-responsibility). Hmmm, a page taken out of the old, tired Play Boy magazine formula. Yawn. It lacks wit. Los Angeles as a surrogate Paradise Lost? Would have been amusing to see how the Devil would respond to a LA rush hour traffic jam or proselytizing Christian street-missionaries instead of stereotypical 'beautiful people' in night club shticks. We can only hope that Lucifer gets sent back to hell where he belongs in short order.


Wow....I'm coming across lots of viewers that agree this series stinks.

User Reviews

Terrible dumbed down version of brilliant graphic novel
21 January 2016 | by Alexander_elung (Denmark) – See all my reviews
I imagine the meeting between the creator and the studio going a little like this.

Creator " I want to make the comic lucifer into a TV-show"

producer "What is it about?"

Creator : " Lucifer trying to free himself from gods creation "

Producer " Police procedural ?"

Creator " No .. I "

producer " Police procedural, is it ! "

. . .

Did we really need another police procedural ? And before you answer that, did it really need to be based on a graphic novel with such an epic story that it could rival most other literary works ? Calling Lucifer a missed opportunity, is an underwhelming statement, for what is at best a travesty and salute to the lowest common denominator.

The story in this show goes against everything in the comic. The characters are loosely based on the characters in the comic, but share no actual characteristics.

The lucifer in the comics would never care about criminals or police work. In fact one of the major points in the story was how he didn't really cared about human affairs at all and just wanted to free himself from gods creation.

The show in itself, is average, dumb and pointless and would maybe deserve a 5 out of 10.

however, this show took away any possibility of getting the actual story of lucifer to the screen and for that i can't rate it higher than 1.

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Your review criticizes the show for being a police procedural.
I'm not watching this show for that aspect, and many have complained about it. I think the supernatural and the humor is what draws people in. And Tom's charm. Not the police stuff.


Your review criticizes the show for being a police procedural.

This isn't my review. lol These reviews are from other members that agree the show stinks.

I'm not watching this show for that aspect

This is a murder mystery where the audience tries to solve the puzzle along with the anti-hero. How do you compartmentalize the story line?'re funny.

I think the supernatural and the humor is what draws people in.

I'm going to be posting the alleged comedy bits from this show, and inviting people to point out the funny lines. I have yet to get a chuckle from it. And I love good comedy. If Denis Leary was brought into the show, with his comedy writing team, I'd apologize to everyone on this board and become a devout fan. But....not likely he's interested in this Titanic ready to sink.

And Tom's charm.'d have to ask the female viewers about that, because I'm not seeing the charm


Oh don't be a smartass. I meant "your" review as in the one you posted. I know it's just copy&paste. Then again you're so obsessed with the show, it's quite possible you are not above creating multiple accounts to post several negative reviews.

You're not seeing his charm, I do, and so do countless other women.

Look, you don't like the show, we do, it's a matter of taste and simply just that. What are you looking for here?


Then again you're so obsessed with the show

Actually I'm not, and soon enough I'll be moving on to other boards.

it's quite possible you are not above creating multiple accounts to post several negative reviews.

If you're referring to the reviewer posts above, I can assure you they're not sock puppet accounts created by me. I can't write as well as these other IMDb members who very eloquently characterized this series. Thus the reason I copied and printed their thoughts.

You're not seeing his charm, I do, and so do countless other women.

I think Tom is a good actor, and I won't take anything away from him personally, but the script doesn't make him appear charming. He sounds more like a flip college student.

Look, you don't like the show, we do, it's a matter of taste and simply just that. What are you looking for here?

Just dropping off one more point. There's only about 6 to 8 regular fans commenting daily, and that's not a good sign.

Boards for hit shows on IMDb are usually spinning with comments left by members.

I'll be gone for awhile, so hold down the fort, rat.


Just dropping off one more point. There's only about 6 to 8 regular fans commenting daily, and that's not a good sign.

Good god, who cares? Did the creator of this show nail your girlfriend or something? Did you come up with the idea for a show and this one was picked up instead of yours? I mean really. I don't like McDonalds. I don't hang out there all day every day calling people empty headed, hand them negative reviews that I printed off of yelp, and demand that they tell me why they like eating there.


Actually I'm not, and soon enough I'll be moving on to other boards.

Well thank you for that. 

Wishing those poor souls good luck with you. 


Wishing those poor souls good luck with you.

Actually they agree with me.

Unlike this mess it's a popular show.


Carry on with your crusade, OP 

"It's only 56 months till I retire, then I get outta this $hithole for good" - Steve Billings
