Meet Mom

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


Yeah, we discussed Helfer.

Lets hope Carpenter and Helfer help this show.


Hilarious! This is going to be a fun ride with mum. Poor Lucifer.


Do you think she will be evil? IDK,I'm thinking not evil,but not entirely good either. Definitely bring more excitement and especially the scenes with Lucifer and Amendial.Also,I wonder what the consequences will or could be if she doesn't go back to hell. Lucifer made a deal and can Mum help Amendial and is this why Uriel shows up.

So many questions to ponder.

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.


I think she's going to be complicated. And pissed like any woman who's been replaced by the man she loved (and locked up in hell for eons, no less). But she's staying on the show. So they're going to have to find a way around sending her back to Hell for good.

Like I've said elsewhere. Nobody knows for sure if God wants Lucifer to take her back to Hell. That's his interpretation. He also was convinced that she was out to kill him, and that turned out not to be true. Uriel showing up could be to get things moving with Mom, but he could also be representing the Heavenly Host, not Dad.

I'm super curious about this family she has as Charlotte Richards. Charlotte had a husband and kids who don't know she died. How is Mom going to deal with them, and they, her? Sounds tricky.

It's all part of God's plan, though, that's all we know for sure. :)

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


Well, apparently she dresses like June Cleaver and feeds them casserole. She might make allowances for the children, but the hubby....


LOL! THAT explains the picture of her in high heals, a pencil skirt and blouse with an apron over it. All she needed were the pearls to make the picture perfect! She was watching Leave It To Beaver, trying to figure out this new family situation!

So does this mean Lucifer and Amenadiel have some sort of half siblings? Can you imagine Lucifer babysitting them, especially if they're rowdy little boys?
Wait, scratch that, he'd probably love it and jump right in. Make that obnoxious preteen boys with an attitude. Those would drive most adults bonkers!

This has so much potential for fun.


Not wanting to have to explain how Mum got into the body of a suburban housewife with kids, to either Chloe or Dan, he asks Trixie for advice and guidance. Trixie obliges and his wallet takes another hit. I am not so sure he could even go to Dr. Linda with this dilemma.


I could so see him going to Trixie on how to handle these new sort of siblings and he has no issue forking over the cash to her.


Wasn't there a spoiler about mom appearing to want to be good for the sake of her sons but ultimately breaking Lucifer's heart. I'm likely not remembering this right. So perhaps she wants him to end his association with Chloe since perhaps she still hates humans. I'm sure whatever plays out it will be entertaining. I wonder how Uriel plays into it all - unless he is now assigned to bring mum back since Amenadiel has fallen and appears to have 'wing' issues.


Meet Mom... yeah, I'd really love to...
I don't know if this vid was already posted, just found it and I already start to love her way and hilarious interactions with Lucifer:

Can't. Wait. For. Monday. 


Yeah, it's in the spoilers, but it's definitely a great introduction to Mom. I think we learn a lot about her, and also Lucifer, from that scene above.

I'm so glad they cast her. Tricia was truly one of the first people I mentioned when we found out they were looking for an actress to play Mom. I loved her in Burn Notice, and then saw her recently again in Suits. I just didn't know if she could do comedy, since I've never seen her do it, but it looks like she's going to have no problem with that. And in an interview, she talked about comedy being easier than drama, so that was a good sign, cuz she can definitely do drama. :)

I would have lost my you-know-what if they'd cast Barbara Hershey, which so many, even media people were calling for. It's like they don't get this show at all if they thought BH was a good fit, imo.

I'm super excited about her addition to the show.

I had the idea that the world’s so full of pain it must sometimes make a kind of singing. --R. Hass


I would have lost my you-know-what if they'd cast Barbara Hershey, which so many, even media people were calling for. It's like they don't get this show at all if they thought BH was a good fit, imo.

I'm not even sure if she was a good choice for the 'Insidious' flicks or not. But I'd still like to see 'The Entity' again.

Just got done watching episode 2 of The Exorcist and they had the Monday ad for Lucifer with mum head butting someone.
This is so exciting - I can't wait for the Monday mayhem.

Amended comment.

ok I liked your ad better Tantrum....
