MovieChat Forums > The Hacker Wars (2014) Discussion > Taking the moral high ground.....

Taking the moral high ground..... calling people "n*****s" and "fags".
Everyone they don't agree with is some kind of a "fag", but hey it's ok because they don't use the word pejoratively. It's just an insult.
Grow up and take the stupid masks off.


We use our freedom of speech and individualism.

Political correctness and sjw is a government system to impose collectivism on society so they all think same, tolerate everything and are dumbed down into thinking all sexualisms are normal, all illegals aliens should be tolerated and not called illegal or alien.

Political correctness needs to die, many government agents need to die, like was said on doc unfortunately it will take bloodshed to get the point across.

True freedom of speech, even offensive, is achieved in its greatest form in anonymity.

Newf@gs have to start somewhere.


but dont they go after the god hates Fag

Does Hackers who used homophobic stuff for the LULZ..somehow above the west bapstist Church

both acting on their freedom of spech if we going to used that argument. Let they wante credit for going after the west baptist. Dont get me wrong the god hate fags people are awefull

but if you going to roll with freedom of got to roll with it all the way and MORE reviews
