Twist at the end

Wasn't really A twist.. Kinda predictable, definitely a flawed film, but I still didn't end up hating it... The premise was actually good, I'm not sure how they botched parts of it so badly.


*** possible spoilers ***

Yeah this is indeed what I call a bad and ineffective plot twist. Even if you don't predict it when it comes it is just totally stupid. And why the hell didn't the lead guy defend himself when the other guy who was helping him to get the girl was saying to her that the other guy wanted this to happen this way (sorry, I couldn't care to remember the characters' names)? He clearly told his that it was all going to be fake and safe?? I would have used this against him. The guy just really wanted to get her and if this was his solution, he was going to take it. Of course he knew all the way long who his coach was and was just pretending that he selected him randomly. But isn't it like another alibi? I mean, how could he have guessed that the guy will just go totally nuts at some point? He isn't responsible for what happened and shouldn't take the blame the way he seemed to take it. The idea of kidnapping someone by itself is totally is messed up and he shouldn't have agreed for it. The movie is totally stupid movie anyways and in a way or another he didn't deserve her, but she accepted him in the end. So, at the very least he could have argued in his defense instead of standing there and confirm everything the other *beep* was saying. Just my opinion.
