not worth the money

The film in it self is nicely made but the way the story is told makes you feel bored, a lot of stuff takes too long and other things are not explained

I do not recommend you go and watch it maybe if its show on tv some evening but do not spend your money on it.


I wasn't bored, but I'm also the kind of person who likes to spend time reflecting and wondering while I watch the movie.

Can you elaborate what you thought took too long, and what you didn't think was explained?


Not bored as such, no. But all good movies tend to have a message, some important point, and somewhere along the way, "Gold Coast" lost its point, don't you think?
I don't mind that it took its sweet time going somewhere, if only it had actually gone somewhere.


I thought it went somewhere. It was clear to me that it was a movie about appreciating nature's details and also about history. Especially how Danish history also has slavery in it, which is at least slightly controversial to actively acknowledge in Denmark, but I imagine it might be worthless to explore for a foreigner. And it also seemed like a spontaneous movie (with a lot of improvising) which may be why it appears to go nowhere. So in conclusion, I also thought it lacked a bit of structure - but I still think it had messages. I cringed through it, and was confused at times, but I still think it had something. Although, I admit, it is certainly not for everyone.
