*SPOILER* The Island

so did it really happen?
if it did, how did he end up there and how far was it off the main land?

just trying to figure out how much of the movie was in his head.



He was never really stranded, he went nuts and was living on a beach past the woods just a several minute run behind where the woman he'd been stalking lived. The entire stranded scenario was a delusion from him having a psychotic break and Manny the farting corpse basically showed him the way "home". Which in reality was leading him back to sanity.


I think the ending confirms that he's still not sane. I feel like everything on the beach in the end, is suspect. I think everything we see is from his point of view. He's back with the living, and making some progress, but still not sane.


Well I see it as everything happened literally and it's more of a fantasy movie than a psychological one. I think Manny was actually a supernatural being masquerading as a bloated farting corpse in order to lead Hank out of his madness. We're so used to cerebral plot points where everything happens inside the main characters head that we forget that movies where a supernatural being appears to make things right.

There have been so many movies where something like an angel comes to some poor soul's aid to lead them to a better life. It's the main plot point of "It's a Wonderful Life" among so many other movies. I think this is a twisted spin on an old movie trope. The bloated corpse Manny is actually a mystical being on a mission to save Hank and deliver him from insanity...and that's why the people at the end witness Manny farting off into the sunset to their great bewilderment.

It all happened just as we saw it, we're fine with "miracles" in movies but suddenly make that miracle a farting corpse with supernatural powers that EVERYONE sees at the end and it's impossible. I mean, why would he hallucinate other people's reactions? We don't see her say "What the *beep* from his viewpoint, we see it from hers, there's no indication it's part of his delusion. So while it's possible it's all in his head what we actually see in the movie points to it all actually happening.


His dad's abrupt change dissolves your theory. There is too much change in tone from the scene directly before, for it to be a literal translation. Everyone was freaking out that he was taking Manny, and then all of a sudden everyone seemed to be OK with it.


The theory that everything that happened was mostly imaginary seems to most likely to me, including the ending

To me what was really weird, was the drinking the water from Manny's dead body...
Things inside of his stomach is probably in a decomposing state and drinking that water would probably be fatal to Hank.

Also if Manny was a supernatural being, why couldn't he move by himself?
it's not a very supernatural thing to do, yet Manny wasn't able to do this?

My conclusion is that pretty much everything has a thick Hank-distortion-filter on top of it and most of what we saw that happened was twisted by his imagination



Also if Manny was a supernatural being, why couldn't he move by himself?
it's not a very supernatural thing to do, yet Manny wasn't able to do this?

Well it's not like I know anything for certain, but you're trying to apply real world logic to a movie about a magical farting corpse. Maybe he couldn't move so that Hank would be forced to physically interact with another human being, albeit a dead one, to help him get over his phobia's.

Trying to apply logic to this movie is pointless, I think we're supposed to be using our imagination to fill in the blanks.


Manny actually DOES move when he saved Hank from the bear.

And I like Terrence's concept of Manny being a mysterious entity who took the form of a dead body.. but it needs Hank's positive energy to manifest.



You can choose to interpret it that way but it doesn't make you right. I don't think there'll be a definitive interpretation or explanation without the writer and director telling it plainly. It was too bizarre for any one to get it 100%.

You could say that the dads attitude changed once he realized that his son wasn't insane and that the body really was supernatural and he was actually relieved. So really it dissolves absolutely nothing.


the thing for me is, either it was all in his head, or none of it was

which makes me wonder if he was a real corpse then or not?
because if he was, it means that the water coming out of his mouth was polluted with all kind of bacteria since his body was decomposing



If the corpse was real then it was clearly supernatural. I mean...you're trying to apply logic to a corpse with a cork up it's butt who can shoot grappling hooks, karate chop logs in half, start fires by snapping it's fingers...I mean come on. It's supposed to be magical. If it was some mermaid or angel that popped up to save him people wouldn't bat an eye, but make it a farting corpse and suddenly real world science applies.


I actually thought the first time he drank the corpses water, he started hallucinating from the bacteria

after drinking it's the first time the corpse interacts



I agree man, I think manny was witnessed by everyone at the end.

he also did move by himself with the bear thing. obviously its fun to not know for sure but i enjoyed the magic of the film, so if for me believing in manny's abilities allows me to enjoy this film more then why not.


I really hope if an angel appears to me it's not in the form of a flatulent, horny corpse that looks like Daniel Radcliffe!

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!
