this is a sick movie

i was sicked to the stomach when the screwed-up man stripped off the dead guy's clothes and surfing the body as a dolphin at sea, wtf


Did you have to share that? I'm not seeing it then.


You're not smart enough to appreciate a movie like this. You're clearly homophobic too. Sigh.


And a necrophobe. What's wrong with him making out with a dead guy anyway? The original poster is clearly a weirdo.


The whole movie was messed up. I think it was gay as hell, but maybe the idea of riding the seas on some naked dead guys butt is appealing to some people. Maybe its 'art.'

I just think a movie about farts is not something i'm going to run out and see.

Nice to see most of the world agreed since this movie bombed.


Most of the world are morons like you who run to see the new DC comic shít


You're clearly homophobic too. Sigh.
That made no sense. I can already imagine what it's like eating with you.
You: "Going to McDonalds, want a cheeseburger?"
Other person: "McDonald's cheeseburgers are gross."
You: "You're so homophobic."

I liked the movie, but someone not liking it doesn't make them homophobic.
