MovieChat Forums > The Bye Bye Man (2017) Discussion > The movie is NOT as bad as Everyone Here...

The movie is NOT as bad as Everyone Here says

That being said it wasn't worth 12 dollars to see either. I'd say it's worth like 4.99 to rent it but people here are honestly putting to much worth in the name of the movie and not letting themselves get past that to see it or to even attempt to like it. Original concept, good characters, good acting, decent scares. People need to shut up. I'd rank it 5/10.


Good acting and decent storyline?! Are you sure we watched the same movie?!


I'm sure you're probably 15 and don't understand what true horror is.



The only horror here is that you believed this movie had good acting.


no way we saw the same movie, no way

this was trash


Yeah and I bet you thought IT FOLLOWS which made less sense was great horror. If I'm right, don't talk to me.


it follows has messy rules and the creature doesnt make sense but at least the directing, the editing and the acting were AT LEAST competent. plus none of the effects looked ridiculous.
so technically yes It follows doesnt make much sense but neither did this, the difference is that at least that project felt like a real movie and not a college class failing project.

this was embarrassing and laughable. this movie is cringe worthy


Yeah I didn't think it was that bad either but yes I wish I would've waited for it on netflix


Pretty much my thoughts


Maybe I was just in a forgiving mood, but I agree with you that it wasn't terrible--have people on this board seen some of the other PG-13 *beep* that passes for horror? Going by those standards, I thought this was actually pretty decent.


Good acting?!


I know, right?! LMAO!


It was an okay movie. These jerks here are eager to put it down, and were doing that the last two weeks, despite the fact they haven't seen it.


No.... it was pretty bad.


Some of you are clearly trolling. If you actually thought this trash was good. I will set a prayer for you tonight for better taste in horror films. Sad, just sad.


Obvious troll is obvious.

Obvious gullible people are obvious.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.
