
movie been out for days whats the verdict?


I've seen worse.

The guy was pretty useless though.


Got unjured early into the film and kept moaning in pain. It's just a darn scratch too. It's not like his leg is broken. Such a whiner. Creature also seemed like an ancient vampire although it was never explored. Not once did the couple try calling 911 so who knows if there was reception or not. The girl stayed calm the entire film which was refreshing but somehow unrealistic. It was a very very low budget film but decent.


So basically the only thing that's different from 99% of the horror flicks with a couple as the main characters is that he didn't die, I gather.

Wish they would make a movie with the couple actually working together to survive instead of just having the clichèd female survivor (and I do mean clichè, from the synopsis on imdb it's easy to guess how these movies end).

Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade?
The Avengers


Oh, he definitely died. She even had to kill him herself, haha. In fact, the female character had to kill everyone in the film, all of which were males, and single-handedly no less.

The only thing unique about the film is that it was set in Ireland.


So basically there's nothing interesting at all about this movie.

Nice to know.

Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade?
The Avengers


You should judge it by yourself and after seeing it.


I liked that it did not follow the usual cliche wherein everyone dies. This film actually killed the creature.



But they basically did follow the clichè that 99% of horror does, with the woman being the sole survivor.

Hawkeye: Do you know how it feels to be unmade?
The Avengers


Yep, there was nothing original here. The "creature" was slow and clumsy, the woman never died, and despite being bitten, never turned into a zombie, which is what happened to all the men who were infected. She never even screamed, or acted all that terrified. It was more of a "grrl power" film if you ask me. The worst part was when her boyfriend was mauled on his leg, and then proceeded to whine and whimper like a 5 year old girl for about 5 minutes... truly a cringe-inducing moment!! Give this one a pass.


Basically, you should see the movie for yourself, because it's basically like many horror flicks, but basically in a sense, not really. Watch it then basically, if you can, post your thoughts here,because basically, that would be great 

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


One of the better movies of its genre. I liked the characters, and the director's use of light, shadow and camera focus was outstanding.


I didn't think they told you if the original vampire was male or female? It was just an old vampire as far as I caught.


There was no cell reception. There was a line of dialogue, at the car i think, where they mention the phone doesn't have a signal


Oh right. I forgot about that scene. I forgot they got stranded.
I'm surprised the creature was so stupid he didn't even cut the house's power source early on before they found the matches and candles.



Good point. The guy was clever enough to bust the tractor headlights when he turned



Well this is a no brainer average low budget horror flick. Don't be expecting anything like a back story or anything out of the ordinary, yes you get jumpy scenes, a shadowy vampirey kinda monster and a running girl but very little else. There is very little dialouge and direction, the boyfriend I would have killed myself after he got his "scratch". Add to that a few plot holes (like the whole match box thing) down to your few last matches should i burn them or the house or whatever but at that point I really didn't care too much I was rooting for team Vampire swamp monster or whatever it was by then.


I'm surprised the creature was so stupid he didn't even cut the house's power source

I thought about that at first too, but then I wondered how long the thing had been buried and figured it might not even know about electricity.


MissFortuneCookie, i agree w/ you that the boyfriend was annoying but in his defense, his leg was SHREDDED! majorly shredded.


My cousin got his leg caught in a roll of razor wire at a construction site where he worked (It's a tale of stupidity as to how that happened). His leg was shredded and do you know what he did? Cussed loudly for a minute, then breathed deeply and occasionally cursed on the way to the hospital. There was no constant whimpering.


It's just a darn scratch too.

Of course, he just scraped his knee when he fell on the ground. No biggie. Not like those claws pretty much tore into his legs and created deep furrows. It was just a bitty scratch and he should have manned up and gone jogging across the fields.

R.I.P. Rick Ducommun and Tony Longo


so according to the comments above, movies with no survivors are cliche, as are movies with a female survivor, and of course we all know male are cliche right?

Do you ever get the feeling you're being a little too hard on things?


Saw it over the weekend. It sucked. Very boring, people stuck in one location, with a VERY slow monster. Not sure which I hated more, From The Dark, It Follows, The Babadook or Storage 24.


Yeah, the monster was indeed a slowpoke. But that didn't ruin the movie. It was the annoying characters and unbelievable behavior they displayed. I don't understand why she constantly wanted to leave the safety of her light source. Nor do I understand why she didn't constantly try to barricade herself in a room with light and wait til dawn. It's hard to care about characters when they constantly put themselves in danger. No reason why she should try to go to the tractor. And when she did, why was she shouting when Mark let the light source drop. She might as well have shouted, "Hey Nosferatu! I'm out here in the dark! Come and get me!!!!!"


It was pretty good. First time in a long time that I've seen a scary vampire movie.
