Dog gets run over

Yeah, it was a yawn-fest movie except when the dog ran lose, I screamed and closed my eyes. The dog getting killed was just gratuitous and totally unnecessary.


Yes it was pointless and of no consequence


No reason to set that scene up since it had no relevance to the movie. Very odd, indeed.


Completely agree..the minute I saw the dog towards the beginning, I said, "I hope nothing happens to the dog."

When it did, I turned it off. Keanu Reeves is my favorite actor and I even bought this movie, knowing how poorly it was received. But there was NO need for that to happen.

I probably won't watch the rest of it now. :(


I think the dog's death was a foreboding of Jose's death. He was his dog. Still, always upsetting to see animal hurt or die.


Humans being shot, murdered, tortured and killed = Cheers, gratification and immense satisfaction (especially when Americans watch American Sniper).

Dog gets killed = tears, anguish, heartache and an inability to watch.


There's nothing wrong with caring about non human animals more than people.


Perhaps you should off yourself in a sacrificial manner to the animal gods.


Why is it okay to look down on animals and consider them lesser, but not mentally disabled people?


Why can't we view them as equal? In other words, why do you value the lives of animals more than all humans? Animals are undeniably a less intelligent species, although I didn't realize you were mentally disabled so your comments make sense now. I reckon we have to give mentally challenged people like you some leeway and accept that you'll say foolish things when given access to a computer, thus I suppose you could say you're considered "lesser". This is why you were schooled in a special classroom.


That whole reply was just rude and obnoxious, insulting both animals and disabled people. First, I didn't say I care about animals more than humans. Second, my point is that we don't kill off people for being less intelligent, that would be inhumane, so then, why is it an acceptable reason regarding animals? I don't look down or devalue others for being less intelligent or capable, like you seem to.


I bet you and OP thrilled that 49 people were just killed in the Orlando mass shooting. Thank goodness it wasn't an animal shelter mass shooting though, right?

I'm an animal lover, but when you only show compassion when animals are killed and don't even bat an eye or care when humans are killed, there's something wrong with you.

Lastly, if you have to 'scream and close your eyes' when a dog runs in front of a car in a movie and subsequently are so distraught that you get on your computer and start a thread to express your disapproval, you also have a problem separating fiction from reality.


"I bet you and OP thrilled that 49 people were just killed in the Orlando mass shooting. Thank goodness it wasn't an animal shelter mass shooting though, right?"

Nothing about Yvonne's post implied she would be happy or even not care about people being killed. So that's completely accusatory, unfounded and insulting, and you didn't really pay attention to the point she made either. Also, people being selective about who they care about over others isn't limited to animals, they are also selective which people they care about, like someone who only cares about their own families and friends, but no one else. Or people who are often considered more expendable, like the elderly or disabled.


Thanks for your pointless contribution and irrelevant rant... NOT.

I haven't gotten a chance to do a 'NOT' joke in years. It felt good.


It wasn't pointless or irrelevant. It addresses just what you wrote. Don't attack people and accuse them of things they never said or implied.



I read what you said to Yvonne, which was a personal attack. You had no right to suggest she's be okay with people being killed. Although it seems like you make a lot of presumptions, now about me too, since you've got nothing more relevant to say.



You're the only one making false presumptions about people's beliefs after reading one post out of an entire lengthy discussion. Unless you have some incredible psychiatric abilities, you can't speak for other people and say how they feel about something when you don't even know them.

Here's one of many reasons you're wrong and why you should read what others have to say before you pretend to know their personal thoughts on an issue:
I said she cared more about animals being killed than humans, and you say

You had no right to suggest she's be okay with people being killed.

Yet Yvonne herself says
There's nothing wrong with caring about non human animals more than people.

Now if it wasn't the internet, I'd expect an apology and admission that you're wrong.


Saying there's nothing wrong with caring about animals more than people doesn't equate to not caring about people at all, let alone being happy about them being killed. It's not unlike the way a lot of people are more outraged when babies or children are harmed, not that I really agree with that either. She also clarified that she herself didn't care about animals more than people. So for you to suggest she'd be happy about people being shot afterwords is a very impertinent conclusion to come to.


There you go again speaking for other people and telling them how they feel even when they say they feel the opposite. Speak for yourself.


I didn't speak for her, she said that in her own words.


She never said anything of the sort. I used direct quotes from her to prove you wrong. You used your imagination to continue pretending you're right.


"First, I didn't say I care about animals more than humans." That's what I wrote. You therefor had no right to tell me I'd be happy about a shooting. You're just ignoring all the points made. Like what was said, caring about point A doesn't equate to not caring about point B.


I totally get that there are animal lovers who value the lives of animals over humans, and although I find you weird for it, I really don't care because that's your choice and this conversation is going nowhere. My original reply had nothing to do with reality anyways-- it was about how people struggle to view animals being harmed in movies but they revel in seeing humans being killed, which is why horror films are so popular. For some reason you decided to turn that into a debate about why you like animals more than humans in real life, but I couldn't care less. Go fornicate with your dog now.


I responded to you because your comment implied there's something wrong with caring for animals more than people, which is no different than people who care about people more than animals. And you're still accusing me of liking animals more than people when I specifically said more than once now that I don't personally feel that way. You must be trolling now.


I do think there's something wrong with it, or at the very least I find it quite bizarre. In case you didn't know, when people and animals get hurt/killed in movies, it's not real. Also, I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish here because there's no way I'm going to suddenly stop caring about humans and only care about animals, although you're so incessantly annoying that I'd certainly prefer the company of an animal over you.


I never said you should, you just keep putting words in my mouth.


I don't know what you're pretending to have never said but I'm not going to waste any more time on you. Go find an animal rights forum to preach your animals>humans rubbish.


You said that you're not going to care about animals more than humans. That comment had no relevance to your conversation with me, because I never suggested you should care about anything more than anything else. I also don't think humans are "rubbish" nor do I care about animals more than people. Bye. Troll.


Well I'm glad you've finally come to your senses! All you've done for the past 20 or so posts is try to convince me that animals are superior to humans and we should care about animals more than humans, otherwise there would have no discussion to begin with because we would have been in full agreement. I can hardly believe that I finally succeeded in inserting some logic into your mind. Farewell. Troll :)


Nah, you can't pi point where I said animals are superior to humans because I don't believe that.


Either someone hacked your account and was posting on your behalf or you have some sort of split personality disorder, in which case you'll back in a couple days eager to argue again. Let's end this now while we're on the same page before the psycho side of you reemerges.


Yvonne never said she cared about animals more than humans, dishonest one, and you know it. Also, people who are happy about humans being harmed but not other animals are likely misanthropes. They tend to hate people because they are irrationally angry at humanity through their bad experiences, which is stupid, but they probably need help rather than people berating them.


I hope you get eaten by a lion. Unlike humans, who tend to be uniquely passionate about all living things, animals will show you no mercy ;)

Seriously though, there's nothing misanthropic about being more bothered by animals being killed in movies than humans. It's simply due to conditioning because we grow up watching people being killed in movies and it becomes normal to us, but because animals are seldom killed in movies, it elicits strong emotional responses. It makes sense, but that doesn't mean I can't mock those who post comments expressing their outrage of an animal being killed in a film when they don't mind watching countless films each year where humans are killed.


Many people react differently when women are hurt instead of men, or children instead of adults. It's not just a human vs animal thing. You don't sound like a decent person wishing for people to be killed by animals. "Unlike humans, who tend to be uniquely passionate about all living things, animals will show you no mercy ;)" Hardly, hence the reason why animals are slaughtered for meat, fur or even for sport. I'm sure you knew that though.


Well, that's your opinion... mine is "caring about non human animals more than people" is totally wrong. I've known some with that attitude, they were very disturbing people.


The dog got free from his leash and died, the soldier got free from his army duties and died... That's the connection I got from that? It was a foretelling of the dogowners death, or perhaps they both were connected on a greater level so that they both died at the same time, either way the 2 are connected and not just a random thing

The plan is you drink a nice tall glass of shut the *beep* up.
