Lena / Supergirl

Do you think that Lena knows Kara is Supergirl? I mean changing her hairdo does not justify a disguise. I mean Kara's sister is DEO and they all know each other. Wouldn't you wonder that all Kara's friends are in on saving the world but then Kara is no where to be found when Supergirl is there? or helping out? Lena is a smart person, and they think she can't see who Supergirl really is????


I think it's the glasses. Lena and a lot of ppl are too dumb to notice they are the same.


Even Cat Grant had her suspicions about Kara being Supergirl so is hard to believe someone as smart as Lena is that oblivious.


but the way she was looking at Kara in the elevator, I suspect she knows Kara is Supergirl. It seemed like she wanted to tell her that she knows... but then she doesn't want to affect her relationship like it is now affected with Supergirl.


This has always been the "Super" mystery. As with Superman, how no one notices Supergirl is someone they've had hundreds of other interactions with is crazy. IRL people might get recognized by friends even when in a full mask. But not in comic books or in comic book TV / movies. In order to enjoy the "Super" shows you have to add this to the suspension of disbelief pile.


People don't recognise me when I'm not in my work uniform.


That's because you dress as Mickey Mouse at Disney. How WOULD people recognize you??

Yes, I'm joking.


Haha good one.
