
Typical Christmas movie, but not as bad as some. But what single, elementary school teacher can afford those houses?


I was thinking the same thing! Not realistic at all.


Yep, had that thought as well.


It depends on where the story takes place. Was it in a small town? Did they say where? Some places are cheaper. Or maybe it was a family home.


I came to post the same thing. And she drives a Lexus? Ummm

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That building is also a Starbucks?


Is there a law?


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they are teachers at a private school? I missed the beginning so I don't know if they said anything about that or not.


Typically private school teachers make even less than public school teachers!


Ha! I'm a single teacher, and I own my own house, but when they got out of the car outside of her house I laughed out loud...


I laughed out loud too when I saw your comment. Yes. Teachers can be very successful, money savvy, etc. But that house, for a single income teacher was unbelievable. I'm not a single teacher, my husband and I have relatively impressive incomes and our home is quite modest by comparison.


I'm sure the production company paid for the house rental. You know, because it's a movie.


I thought the same thing about the car and the house. Teachers around here can barely make rent, much less drive fancy cars, own homes with 2 car garages and have designer clothes. I also wonder when these teachers work on lesson plans and grading papers. I love Hallmark Christmas movies, but this one was too over the top. The rilary was silly and no chemistry at all with the cast.


