MovieChat Forums > Saving Christmas (2014) Discussion > Did anyone even kinda like this?

Did anyone even kinda like this?

I know this is one of the worst films ever made but is there anyone willing to admit they gave it higher than a 1/10?


If I saw SAVING CHRISTMAS at my church, or on a local Christian TV station, I would have accepted it as an innocuous and pleasant informational piece. It is good for group discussion with other church folk in a small and intimate setting. Or for an individual who wants to understand the religious background of Christmas via the evangelical perspective. In the privacy of his/her own home.

But as a major motion picture, with much publicity and hype, it obviously fails on a certain level. Look at the movie poster. It seems to portray the movie as a big budget action comedy extravaganza. Kirk Cameron also publicized his movie as such. Well, it really isn't. So I suppose that when the public did not receive what was expected, it reacted with an abrasive negativity of an unprecedented level.

I'm sure Kirk is (still) proud of his film, and its message. Despite all of the scorn that was heaped on it. But the ideal way to present SAVING CHRISTMAS to people who want to understand the Christian perspective of the holiday, is to deliver it to the small discussion groups and other church bodies. That's where it should have gone to on release day back in 2014.


Kirk really does seem proud of this film. But then again Kirk really seems to be crazy.


I had initially given it a 10/10 to balance out the fake troll votes from tons of atheists who gave it a 1/10 solely because they hate God.

However, after LU revealed itself to be an evil institution that does the will of Satan, I changed my vote to 1/10.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


I think its because they hate Kirk Cameron. Most people seem to.


I think its because they hate Kirk Cameron. Most people seem to.

Yes, true. And they hate him because he stands up for God, the Bible, and morality. Most people hate anyone who does those things. In fact, that is exactly why they murdered Jesus Christ Himself.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


No its because hes a bigoted douche bag.


No its because hes a bigoted douche bag.

...which is a belief that you have because you object to how he stands up for God, the Bible, and morality. Like I said.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


No I say that because he is a bigoted douche. If anything he makes Christianity look awful. I seen parts of his anti gay episode of Way of the Master. It was like KKK propaganda. He makes it impossible to like him.


I didn't see the "anti gay" episode of Way of the Master but I did see many episodes of Way of the Master in which he debunks evolution and defends God's historical account of creation which I think is the primary reason why darwinists hate him. I expect that Kirk wants to convert "gays" to live righteously though, so that wouldn't be "anti gay" since he is trying to help them.

Ray Comfort actually made a free movie about that subject. You can watch it here:

he makes Christianity look awful

Christianity opposes evil, therefore it will always look awful to evil people because they want to keep sinning and pretending as if their sins are fine. The last thing in the world that they want to do is to be told that their sins are evil and that need to stop being evil. So, they hate Christianity for that reason. That's exactly why they murdered Jesus Christ. And that's also exactly why Jesus guaranteed that the world would hate anyone and everyone who follows in His foot steps.

If people didn't hate Kirk, then that would be a sure sign that he was doing his job as a Christian wrong (or just not doing his job at all, which is a sub-type of doing it wrong).

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


I looked into Ray Comfort. Very few people like him. He wrote a book trying to get cancer patents to stop treatment and backed up Josh Duggar when he molested his sisters. Ray Comfort is a bigoted con man.


I have to disagree with you, Navaros.

I'm a believing Christian. I certainly don't "hate" Kirk Cameron. I've only ever seen two of his movies, this one and Fireproof, and I've watched a few YouTube clips. I don't always agree with his views, but I'm rarely bothered by them.

But Saving Christmas has a fundamentally terrible message, and I am shocked that it doesn't bother you as a Christian.

This defense of materialism, selfishness, and greed in the guise of celebrating Christ is incredibly troubling. It's not that gift-giving and parties are wrong, but Cameron uses this film to promote the notion that anything can be justified as long as you claim to worship Christ thru whatever it is you're doing. I'm sorry, but that cannot be biblically supported.

The line in the movie that left me completely gobsmacked was when Christian points toward the party and asks Kirk how many kids could have been fed, or how many wells could have been dug with the money spent on the shindig. Kirk responds "You've got it all wrong." But that's all he says. He doesn't give any insight as to how Christian is wrong. But, of course, he can't. Of course charity is preferable to a lavish party. Yet Kirk is willing to perform these mental gymnastics to convince himself, and anyone who will listen, that everything he likes is completely justified because he can connect the dots back to scripture, no matter how tortured his logic really is.


woodruffw, you are not wrong, and I don't disagree with any of the things you said.

I probably should have included the kinds of things that you've said in my criticisms too.

I guess the criticisms I've mentioned previously stuck out to me more because the title of the film is "Saving Christmas," yet the content of the film actually has nothing to do with Saving Christmas. To me that feels like a "bait & switch" scam.

And also I am disappointed in Kirk for not boldly defending Christmas in this film, such as by condemning retailers and institutions that try to secularize it and calling for boycotts.

And I'm even more disappointed in Kirk because the message of this film actually does the opposite of Saving Christmas: it glorifies and defends the secularization of Christmas! 

None of that is to take away from the validity of your point that it also glorifies materialism.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


G. K. Chesterton once wrote that just about anything can be justified by the Bible; it just depends on your mindset and what parts you read. That's not to bash Christianity, but our human tendency to justify things. It's obvious Cameron looks at his faith and says to himself, "How can I use my faith to justify the things I do?"

What Cameron needs to do is look at his faith and say to himself, "How can I use what I do to justify my faith?"

"Value your education. It's something nobody can ever take away from you." My mom.


Nah. Jesus would have hated Kirk, too.

I tried to join the CIA once, but they found out my parents were married.


So, before your issue with one of the financiers, you liked the film? Or did you simply give it a 10/10 for the sake of reverse-trolling? Ignoring all outside issues, did you enjoy this film, in and of itself?


I believed the film isn't as bad as most people claim. The editing is competent, for example. It's not anywhere near Hollywood standards, but it's also much better than a home video would be.

I sincerely enjoyed the Kirk monologue scene at the very start. I wish the whole film would have been one single long-take of Kirk continuing to monologue for 1 hour and 30 minutes. That would have been epic!

After Kirk's opening monologue scene, I didn't really enjoy the rest of the film, and I disagree with a lot of its messages. I don't concur with Kirk's approach to turn a blind eye to the secularization of Christmas and pretend that secularization is okay as long as we remember the non-secular roots. Rather, I believe we must remember the non-secular roots and also condemn the secularization of Christmas. I.e. The original Saint Nicholas may have been, like Kirk says of Santa Claus, "part of the team," but the secular Santa Claus figure of modern times certainly is not part of the team - although Kirk conflates both figures together as if they are one and the same person and should be paid equal respect.

I would have liked to see a film that - unlike this film - is really about saving Christmas. A film that really cares about saving Christmas would strongly condemn the secularization of Christmas, and call for boycotts of the Santa Claus lie also call for boycotts of all businesses that say "happy holidays" or "seasons greetings" or anything like that instead of "Merry Christmas", etc.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


I sincerely enjoyed the Kirk monologue scene at the very start. I wish the whole film would have been one single long-take of Kirk continuing to monologue for 1 hour and 30 minutes. That would have been epic!

Do what now?


It's impossible for atheists to hate god because they don't believe in god.


It's impossible for atheists to hate god because they don't believe in god.

But atheists hate God anyway by way of hating all of His values and also anyone who upholds those values.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" – Gilman


Yeah. Christian right wing nuts
