Elsa's cold

So Apparently, Elsa gets a cold.

Now I'm not saying Elsa should be immune to all sicknesses. But does anyone else find it odd ( or ironic) that she is able to catch a cold at all? I mean, she lived in an ice castle for who knows how long and freezing temperature is practically running through her veins, shouldn't she be at least immune to that? Unless of course it's allergies, which would make a lot more sense. By the looks of the trailer and their outfits, it might be set during that season.

My own allergies kicks in around March or April.


Rhinovirus can be transmitted regardless of temperature. It's called a "Cold" because of the sensation it gives to the infected person.


Set in Summer... I think it has been confirmed that Anna was born on the Summer Solstice and Elsa on the Winter Solstice.


...it has absolutely nothing to do with the temperature. It's caused by viruses. Colds are just more common in winter because people are cooped up together and being cold can weaken the immune system a bit I think.


Maybe let's forget about the ice queen getting a cold and remember there is a talking snowman with a floating cloud above his head....we are allowed to suspend belief for animated films.

Have courage and be kind

