best and Worst Chapter

The chapter when he has a family is amazing, i was watching with my jaw dropped. wow what a amazing scene. I love Uma Thurman but i didn't really get or like that first chapter. Do women behave like that?


When she is in the car with him


I've met a few who behave that way, critical, unsatisfiable, entitled, snide.

My first blind date was with such a woman. I ended up dumping a beer on her head just to shut her up. It worked.


I thought the family was the most imaginative, esp. what he does with "Grumpy" later.

I thought the scene with "Simple" was the most disturbing. I hate to admit, though, in a way she seemed to have earned what happened.

His payback to that smart-ass cop was another shock.


Thurman’s character was unbelievable and unrealistic.
