MovieChat Forums > Ghost Asylum (2014) Discussion > Acme Corporation Traps Cartoon Physics/S...

Acme Corporation Traps Cartoon Physics/Science What do you expect?

This show is so bad that I don't know where to start? The phony "Southern" Charm with phony Christian faith or the Cartoon Science that they try to use to justify why they are doing what they are doing? Whats worse is people on the same educational level watching are going to try to do the same idiotic "Traps" and end up getting someone hurt possibly killed. Talk about the dumbing down of the America people the lack of good quality education especially in that area that sticks in the Southern Craw Science. They will chose fantasy every-time especially when in direct conflict with their go to book the one and only word on everything the Bible. A book that has done more damage to this world then any other in existence. Idiots taking it word for word having no idea how to think for themselves or that its been changed so many times its lost all original meaning more times than they can count.

I have friends in the Paranormal world, I even do investigations with them. No serious investigators will have anything to do with this group of idiots. They were a cookie cuter "Reality" Show wannabee group based off from that same show that goes out after Bigfoot other "Monsters" builds Cartoon inspired "Acme" Traps and always fails in the end to do anything but make a big mess. All based off from Murky cellphone or home video with nothing to back it up. The evidence at the end is even more suspect offering no proof of anything but all CGI and tampered with fake videos. The Special effects are not even that special, when the ghost start sounding like members of the team, shadows start looking like camera/sound people Houston we have issues.

This same production company now has a new show up in Alaska, they are responsible for some of the worst products on TV. Most have a phony Christian bend to them to try to lour in the God Squad after seeing how things went with Dick Dynasty That's "Duck" if you don't understand sarcasm. Because they will support any kind of trash on TV as long as anyone prays or mentions Jebus or Gobs name out loud even if it breaks the Bibles laws by involving the dead/Necromancy. Yes I am Christian Bashing just a little but I have good reason after all the phony outrage over things that are of no matter. Using phony "Faith" as an excuse to justify Hate, don't lie come out of the shadows and be honest if your going to Hate then Hate open and honestly don't hide behind your Bible and phony belief in a God that you know does not Hate, will not accept you for that hate. Might tell you what your doing wrong instead of trying to adapt his words for your uses use your own and be who or what your are openly like the people that your trying to hide from and hate. All they want is to be who, what they are openly. If your going to hate come out of the closet so the world can see your true faces? You Wont because you know that its wrong and that bible in your hand says that its also wrong but as long as you can lie smile act that part we all know the truth.

I keep waiting for the Ghost Asylum team to use an "Acme" Anvil raised high above an "Acme" Crate/Box with sign "Free Ghost Seed" or if you like "Free Ghost Food" it's propped open with a stick. Inside of it they have a plate of free bird seed, OK "Acme brand Ghost Seeds" so that they can pull a rope the box closes then the Anvil falls smashing the box, Ghost, plate, and the Ghost Seeds, leaving the Ghost Trapped forever. They must be buying all of their trap plans from the Bankruptcy salvage sales of Acme Corp. or the writes of this crap get high watch too many Cartoons, are a bunch of Freshmen College kids that have never actually been on a "Real" ghost hunt/investigation before.

They would not know what to do with something if they did catch it. They will screw around and bring home an Attachment. Spend the next 20 years paying for messing with things that they had no business messing with in the first place. You go looking for the darkness eventually it will find you and not on your terms but on its, and no amount of phony bible beating is going to stop it. That just gives it more incentive to dig in deeper, bite harder, tear things apart more. Because it knows that at your core everything about them is phony. This show is on the projected cancel list I bet it wont last much longer, it's numbers get less and less each week soon it wont have anyone watching it.
