MovieChat Forums > Mustang (2015) Discussion > How does one pronounce Günes Nezihe Sens...

How does one pronounce Günes Nezihe Sensoy's name?

Güneş Nezihe Şensoy is the young actress who plays Lale. How is her name pronounced (links especially welcome)? (IMDb's site wouldn't let me spell her name correctly in the subject line.)

She really does an amazing job carrying this film. I live in America. I wonder if I'll ever see her in another movie.

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You can find how to pronounce all the Turkish letters from this link:

Maybe you can read her name like that: Guw-nesh Na-zee-hae Shen-soy

The second letter (u with 2 dots on top) is similar to "u" in "pure", or "ew" in "new" with "British accent".
All "e"s are like "red" in English, it is a very short "e", not long.
All "i"s are like "ee" in "feet".
H is like "h" in "hot" (an h, coming partially from the throat).
O is like the "o" in "more", it is a very short "o", not long.
Other letters are the same in English.

Hope this helps...


Thanks. What is "Ş" even called? How does one refer to the character (or is it an "S" with an accent)?

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty!


it is basically "sh" sound in english.


I'm sorry I don't have a link but it's pronounced "Gunesh Nezihey Shensoy.
(Source: lived two years in Istanbul).

I'd like to see her some more too. She was great.

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