Thirty Seconds To Mars 'Joke'

Okay, I don't really get what the joke is supposed to be there. In the trailer, what happens is that Samberg is butt-naked on stage (which given he has a mic-pack hooked up to him, I'm not sure where he can hook it onto if he's not wearing pants but whatever), that one guy tells him he was naked for 10 seconds, Samberg says it's a third of the way to Mars, and the other guy explains that 30STM is a band and not a meme? So what's the joke, that people in our society try to make memes out of the most random things, even if they don't make sense? I don't know, that just came off as really forced and stupid.


He doesn't say not a meme he says not a fact lol


Okay yea, you're right. Just checked, my bad. I thought it was either meme or fad that one guy said. But wait, that still doesn't make any sense! What's the joke there, that Samberg is so stupid he really think it takes 30 seconds to get to Mars? And even if that is, that's an insanely stupid joke, even worse than what I originally thought...


Yes, that's the joke.


Yes it's not that he knows where mars is and doesn't understand distance. It's that he's so oblivious to things except himself. I loved Hotrod and this looks like it blows it away. I look at like real well thought out stupid humor.


Checking your reviews, and you have terrible taste. And you liked HOt Rod. Guess you'll love this turd.


Are you going to smell his underwear next?


Haha, love the stalkers!


Why would anyone who disliked Hot Rod be on the boards for this movie?



B/c they are lonely miserable people. Take a look at the person's screen name. Do you really think it's accurate? The only thing he splits is a pizza (with himself the next day).



10 seconds is a third of 30 seconds. That IS the joke. Albeit not a very funny one.

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I get the whole 10 seconds being a third of 30 seconds, but Samberg just tacked "To Mars" at the end because... Thirty Seconds To Mars is a band that exists? I have to wonder how on earth Jared Leto agreed to let them get away with that, because that's, well, just plain stupid.


I get the whole 10 seconds being a third of 30 seconds, but Samberg just tacked "To Mars" at the end because... Thirty Seconds To Mars is a band that exists?

Yes, it would have been a much better joke if he just said "10 seconds - that's a third of 30 seconds." You should be a comedy writer.


I have to wonder how on earth Jared Leto agreed to let them get away with that, because that's, well, just plain stupid.

See, you're just an offended 30STM fanboi.


I don't think they would have asked him. You can make jokes about whatever you like, you don't need permission.

I will not succumb to your pelvic sorcery.


I have to wonder how on earth Jared Leto agreed to let them get away with that, because that's, well, just plain stupid.

It's stupid that you think they needed permission to make the joke in the first place. You can SAY whatever joke you want as long as you don't show logos.


Man, you really butchered that joke. Comedy is not for you, stay home this weekend.

Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans....


Look, I admitted I made a mistake. Besides, the "joke" here isn't funny anyway, so what does it really matter?


jokes are funny, not meant to be analyzed to death


Just watched the trailer. Basically, Andy's character has heard the phrase 30 Seconds to Mars and not realizing it's the name of the band. He's heard the phrase and believes it literally takes 30 seconds to get to Mars.


There's also the minor joke of his understanding fractions. That's really not a Connor-esq trait. It really wasn't a bad joke, but not the best in this film.

"I said, uh, I'm-uh gonna go to Hell when I die," -Conan O'Brien

Foster M. Wolf


WOW !!.........somebody under the age of 15 actually remembers Whiney Emo losers 30STM...........nice.


What I got from this is that with "The Martian" out people should know that light travels far longer than 30 seconds from mars. So even if you could reach light speed it's wrong. I thought it was funny lol.

Light travels at approximately 186,282 miles per second (299,792 km per second). Therefore, a light shining from the surface of Mars would take the following amount of time to reach Earth (or vice versa): Closest approach: 182 seconds, or just over 3 minutes. Farthest approach: 1,342 seconds, or just over 22 minutes.



It could have been funny but they didn't need the black guy explaining it to Jake, ahem Conner. Should have just left it at Conner being confused instead of beating us over the head with it.

Less is more in this case.
