What was the best part?

The 'Equal Rights' song with the oh-so-important message: Connor4real is NOT gay!

Seal getting mauled by wolves, and the subplot with the Hungry the Hunter constantly undermining Connor, despite supposedly being his opening act, was great too.

Clinton/Kaine 2016


I have to admit, I was skeptical about this movie, but I actually found it pretty funny!

My favorite parts by far were those involving Tyrus the personal chef.

"I'm Tyrus, I'm Conner's personal chef. And here, here we have some carrots - sliced eight different ways...it just gives me such joy to see Conner enjoy the food I've prepared for him."

Also, when they're at the award show toward the end:
"The person in the fish costume? It was ME! It was me, Tyrus Quash, in the fish costume!"


slice quieter! crrraACK!


I thought it was a lot of garbage but entertaining enough. The only time that really made me laugh was when the girl was eating the poopcakes and the way Connor looked at the camera ahahaha.

That rug really tied the room together.


I didn't like that moment, or the part with the penis. I'm not into crude humour. But hey, whatever floats your boat. 

Clinton/Kaine 2016


the tmz scenes, or cmz scenes i guess. They had me cracking up pretty hard had to rewind cuz i was laughing so long after those scenes that i missed some movie.


The Bin Laden song had me cracking up. Easily the best scene.


Lol yeah, the whole song was funny and catchy too.
Should make it my ringtone


The TMZ/CMZ has me dying! My fave hurt from laughing! WILL Arnett sucking on all those straws hilarious


To me the CMZ bits were the funniest parts.


Paula saying Conner in disguise looked like Nazi propaganda.



When he was reading his reviews for the video I died laughing


I'm not even a nas fan but he stood out every time he came on. Hilarious


I agree! "It changed my life" lol


"I couldn't relate to that song because I had different stuff in my jeep."

Ha ha ha
