
I can't believe they didn't take her license to practice away after what she did! She lies in order to get her neighbor committed for mental evaluation, leading to him being dragged off by the Deputy's and re-injuring his back and all she gets is 10 weekends in jail? She should NEVER be allowed to practice again after the way she abused her profession in a personal vendetta!


The judge that approved it was a nincompoop for not checking for facts.


I totally agree. The Vilar family should have sued her ass off as well as the county and sheriffs office. Holly should not have gotten 10 weekends, even 10 years wouldnt be enough for her disgusting behavior and stupidity. Wherever she is now; people living around her should definitely beware.


I didn't think there could be an episode that would make me more mad than the one with the 3 boys. This one topped it. That poor family :(


This was the most disturbing episode I've seen. I can't believe the Villar's didn't sue her and the county, especially after JP lost his worker's comp because of her/the sheriff's office's actions. Also, I can't help but wonder, if people knew she was telling everyone that JP was a convicted criminal, why didn't they tell him so he could straighten that out himself? And why didn't the Villar's call the police when Holli tried to run down Laura on her bike?

I think I found Holly so terrifying because I've known people like her, people who would let their dogs poop all over your property and then get pissed when you put the poop back on their lawn and call the cops on you.

You know what they say, people who go into psychology are usually as crazy as their patients.


I'm also mad that they didn't sue that *beep* or even the police department for handling him the way they did.


The Villar family should have sued her and the Sherrif's Dept. for not doing the most simple fact-checking....she should never be allowed to practice again. Who would want her, anyway? A nut-job giving you advice...disgusting woman.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


They did sue the county, but I could not find any info on the outcome.

Holli Bodner was later arrested again 4-5 years ago for slipping oxycodone to prisoners in jail for money. Still kept her license.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Yea I read that story about her slipping Oxycodone and other Benzos (I believe) to prisoners...obviously, she thinks she's above the law...and it's not like she can write prescriptions so she must have connects...probably a big pill-head.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.

