MovieChat Forums > Plague (2015) Discussion > Dumb, and can't get much dumber.

Dumb, and can't get much dumber.

spoilers ahead...
This movie sucks.


Not enough bang bang for ya?


No YOU can't get much dumber ....very good mate you actually did figure something out!


As an Aussie I really wanted to be in support of this movie. But the dialogue was appauling. Seriously, avoid this unless you want to go to sleep.



Yes we've made a lot of bad movies. But we have some great ones too! I caught an oldie, but a goodie.. it was called 'Road Games' it's 2 leading actors are American.. but it's a solid Aussie film. Y'all should watch it sometime.

I think a lot of countries have made some pretty bad movies. I know I've seen my fair share of them. Just q quick cash fix for the producers I think.


Thank god! Unbiased critique! Thank you for restoring my faith in aussies! 100% agree. The dialogue was complete and utter drivel! As was the plot, directing, and a lot of the acting, IMO.


By dialogue, do you mean whimpering and sad Evie face?

Thought the film looked great, had a good story and premise, and kept me scared for no rational reason. Maybe cause I was waiting for something to happen the whole time and characters inexplicably sleep out in the open when there are zombies and known murdering rapists roaming the outback. Hated the improbability of some events. Can't stand when you watch something and think, that was an impossible set of circumstances that could not have happened even within this movie's universe. She was predictable garbage. So were the character archs.


By dialogue I meant how it was predictable, cliched, boring, 90% of it goes absolutely nowhere and 90% of it was poorly delivered.

"We all seen what those things can do! (yawn) One bite and it's over!" (zzzzz) "We need more supplies!" (really?) "I like you Evie. I like you a lot" (lmao!)
I am sure I could find plenty of other examples if I were into mental torture enough to watch it again, but that's not going to happen.


I didn't hate Plague like you. Everyone involved respected the material and gave their all. I didn't think the acting was bad, at all. The script and direction were a bit annoying to me, though.

Three times Evie laid out her requirements to John that I thought were somewhat unfair or selfish, but it turned out John was a pathetic coward, so I'm not sure she was wrong. I'm vehemently anti-PC, so watching characters concede weapons to obviously evil characters(Bob and Charlie), in pursuit of peace is irritating, also.

I hate agonizing over women being abused, so that part really bothered me. And it makes no sense that John gave up his gun, not having the courage to pull the trigger, laid down bawling, only to (minutes later) kill an innocent soldier and blow away the guy he just let rape his wife, moments earlier.

A lack of zombies would be my other complaint, but the passion and effort were there. I gave a 6/10. For me, Wyrmwood on the other hand, was an insult to the genre and I hope I gave it a 1 LOL (I can't remember)

I can only think of 4 zombie parodies(to varying degrees) that I've ever liked. Return Of The Living Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, Zombieland and Dead Snow. Of those, only Return Of The Living Dead and Shaun Of The Dead were full-blown parodies, the other two just had humorous elements.

I don't consider Re-animator or Evil Dead to be of the zombie genre and I don't consider Re-animator to be intentionally humorous, other than the "hand on the loose" folly. Some of it's gore was over-the-top and could be humorous, too.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Agreed but I have to disagree with you on the acting in Plague. The antagonist early on in the movie? Way over the top and imo unnatural. I'm not talking about the script he had to work with here, which was pretty dumb, but how he delivered his lines and body language.
I reviewed Plague and hit on this in my review. Actually it wasn't really a review as much as an attack on the filmmakers.
I don't like either Wyrmwood or Plague but for me Wyrmwood was the better made movie. Neither made much sense but at least it had originality and pace.


I agree Bob was irritating, but I can't say unnatural, I'd have to watch it again.

When you say "pacing" I assume you wanted more action and I agree that for a zombie movie, there were too few zombies or zombie scenarios. But it kept my interest throughout, as I agonized over John's cowardice.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


I wanted depth and more direction to the story rather than just relying on shallow characters to deliver illogical plot twists. I am not a big fan of action flicks, but in saying that I love films like terminator 1 and 2, but prefer intricate plots in my movies to typical van damme or chuck norris craP.
If this movie delved into the struggle of surviving and the complications this posed, such as finding water and food, building up defense, planning their next move rather than trying to convince us of the dangers of within portrayed by unconvincing actors, I would of not minded this so much. And if it portrayed its characters more convincingly, without dumb inserts of shouting when trying to remain hidden and silent or seeing your wife is scared yet turn your back on her leaving her with the man she is obviously frightened of, then again I wouldn't of minded so much.
Give me a story that is portrayed realistically, not one that is incompetent on so many different levels.
This movie took itself seriously and is thus open to serious discrimination.
It's a fail.


I agree. It seems like script writers abandon realism most of the time and most people seem not to notice, thus giving them the green light to continue doing it.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Just a side note. If you go and read the review by Anestis Kozakis you will see his younger brother is one of the directors. He points this out but assures his review is impartial. He goes on to say that he gave it an 8/10, "because it could of been tightened up in places". So he's saying if not for a couple of minor flaws this movie was a 10?

I dunno, doesn't sound very impartial to me.
