it is not THAT bad

i have seen a lot of bad films. right now, the TV show "the walking dead" is driving me nuts for zooming in on things, or saying things, or just having groups of people who are highly organized attack for no reason, other then they are bored.and we are left with no explanation for why they did what they did. like, not having guns and attacking a heavily armed compound and not striking the Amory first.everyone else has guns. they cant find any?
so, i know bad when i see it. I can cut low budget bad some slack. "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" pretended to ride horses because they could not afford horses.
this movie, I also thought it was Australian, or British, i dont know why. something went wrong with connecting the book to the location, i wish i could pin point where that went wrong.
as for other comments, most people dont like to think. they want the story spoon fed to them. they need the character to say "dad did not teach me to read because he felt it would not help me survive." anyone who has ever been in a survival situation knows you concentrate on priorities.since you wont find a microwave oven in this movie, you dont need to be able to read the cooking instructions on the food. the mom that taught her son to read was just being a typical mom. finding a reason to hope in a hopeless situation. learn to read, you might find a microwave and some food.

it was obvious to me that they both grew up in this world. they explained death as drying up because they do not understand death. even decomposition. there are no animals or people to watch decompose.they cant learn about it.

the robot explained what happened to the world. he said something like "bright flash, many dead, went for help". nuclear war. i did not like the robot. i got it, he has been wandering for years, falling apart, but he just looked, and acted, too much like a person who had strapped all that stuff on. like armor.

searching houses for food, where would you like them to search? the local grocery store? order a pizza? what would you eat if there were no animals, or insects?

the reviews. i read them, but 99% are written by people who never watched the movie, are trolls, hate the filmmaker because he stole their girlfriend in high school , are paid to write them,or are delusional. good luck finding the 1%.

i only had one problem with this movie, the ending. was he nuts and wanted to die? did he really believe he was going to OZ? did he really go to OZ?
my guess is, without anything to challenge what he believes, meaning you cant use science to prove him wrong, the book became his bible. he believed in OZ the way people believe in god. he believed he could go to OZ, and the wizard would send him back home, to a happier place.

i wouldn't call it a bad movie. not a great movie, but i did like it.
