Idiot Reviewers

A reviewer gives a one-star rating for a film he/she has watched. Then the reviewer launches into a soliloquy giving every little detail possible. (A full page!) Dude, you can simply say it was bad, incoherent, and poorly edited, (or some sh*t) but when it's a one-star film, it's obvious it was in your opinion bad.

See? I just reviewed you in just over a paragraph.


No no no no no. His review is awesome. And I believe his rating because he backs it up big time. More reviews like that please.


I heartily agree - see the first part of my review.


If you're talking about the "Steven Chen" review, I just read it and it made me laugh. It almost made me want to watch the movie.

Nobody forces you to read reviews here. And we don't owe you anything when we write one.


If you find reading long reviews a strain, you don't have to read them.
If someone actually watched it all the way through, let them vent. Though for me, "Production Co:Asylum" was enough to cross it off my list.


You're bitching about someone making a thoughtful review. And calling him an idiot for it? No dude, you're the idiot.



Would you rather somebody just say "bad" and not give a reason? I hate it when someone gives a bad review without backing it up.


I searched on fury on Netflix and this movie came up and I made the mistake to watch it. I only watched about 20 minutes before I stopped. The CGI special effects were horrible. The tanks were only feet from each other and yet kept missing. The numbering on the tanks looked so cheesy as in a child drew them. Oh there is more but not going to list them. Pass on this movie.


It was, in all respects, awful. Ties Hobo With A Shotgun in my book.


You're ragging on a review that goes deeper than "Worse (sic) movie EVER!!!"? If you can't concentrate for more than 140 characters, don't read them.


It's an Asylum "B" grader, goes less than 90 minutes and is never dull. 🐭
