MovieChat Forums > Scream (2015) Discussion > A few things I shave questions about (sp...

A few things I shave questions about (spoilers)

So I just finished season 2 on Netflix and how did the police just know it was Keiran? Sure Eli said it was him to the police after he got stabbed, but Noah made the police suspect Eli. Also the way Emma and Audrey has Keiran chained against that post holding the gun to his head would have seemed suspicious.

Also kinda figured out it was Keiran when I realized the killer had harrassed everyone but Keiran so far. And when I finished season 1 I asked how could they pull off a 2nd season, and now that I've finished season 2, I'm honestly stumped. How can they pull off a season 3?

It made sense because Piper had an accomplice so he continued to kill, but that phone call to Keiran had me think there were 3 accomplices. Any Ideas?


I think they just wanted to wrap up the end nice and quick, lol.

I assume off screen, the cops found a mountain of evidence against Keiran, despite what Noah said about Eli being the likely suspect. And then of course, Eli calling them, saying his cousin just stabbed him. They put 2+2 together. They maybe found out the truth about his mum and stepfather's deaths. That it possibly was no accident...

As for the phonecall to Keiran at the end. Alot of people believe that it was someone else who caused the cop car transporting Emma and Audrey to crash, killed the cop and then freed them. And possibly, the same person who called them at the gas station.

This seemed to be as bigger surprise to Keiran, as it was for us.


I'm betting on a Troy James connection. He was mentioned several times in season two, but never showed up (that I remember). Also, I zipped through the last half of the season pretty fast, but was the pig farm stuff ever really elaborated on?
