MovieChat Forums > Scream (2015) Discussion > Why Does Everyone Hate Emma?

Why Does Everyone Hate Emma?

I Think She's A Great Actor It's Just That The Writers Make Her So Annoying I'm Really Happy They Have New Showrunners!!!


Her acting is horrible! To me she comes off as being unbelievable, like she's just a girl reading off her lines. Ive seen better acting on The Young and the a Restless LOL

However, the show is a combination of bad writing and acting, which is ironic since It's everything the original movie made fun of. :/


I just think she's super cookie-cutter "All-American Teenage Girl." There's nothing about her character or personality that makes me care about her. When you have more interesting characters like Audrey and Brooke--who have deeper character traits, it's hard to see Emma as more than a cardboard cutout.




People only hate Emma so much because she isn't Sidney.


People only hate Emma so much because she isn't Sidney.

The majority of viewers were never going to like Emma, no matter what. I wholeheartedly agree with this, dilophux.

It is going to get wet in here tonight. Lace your boots up, kiddies.


Why do people say everyone when noone can speak for everyone ?


People hate Emma but love Audrey.

People are odd.


I agree with this mostly, but I can't stand Audrey either. Her anger/outbursts are so off putting and make her super unlikeable in my opinion.


I wanted to like Noah and Audrey. Somewhat tolerated them, but I don't think they ever grew on me


Emma is everything she is intended to be. She is the Final Girl. She is supposed to be generic, innocent, virginal, suburban teenage girl who digs deep and somehow defeats the killer at the end and is one of the sole survivors.

That's exactly what she. She isn't meant to be complex.
