MovieChat Forums > Scream (2015) Discussion > QUESTION - How Psychotic were Each of th...

QUESTION - How Psychotic were Each of the 3 Female "SCREAM" Killers ?

On a Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being COMPLETELY!
How Psychotic would you yourself say Each of the 3 Female Killers in the "SCREAM" Franchise were ?

For an example, here is the list of them (in order) along with my own ratings for each of them below!

Mrs. Loomis - 9/10

Jill - 10/10

Piper - 10/10
What does everyone else think ?


10/10 for all



Word. Everyone wanna skip all the interesting topics.


Mrs. Loomis - 8/10
Jill - 10/10
Piper - 9/10


How did both people rate Mrs. Loomis the least psychotic.. Seriously? She was probably the most psychotic. "Okay... have I covered everything. Any questions? Any Comments? You know what who gives a flying *beep* anyway!" And the way she aggressively chased Sidney around with that knife and tried to barge open the door, the crazy looks on her face, shot Mickey without even thinking about it, etc. That woman was fit for a straight jacket.


She just wanted Revenge, and didn't kill many people (just Randy and Cici, right?). Piper however killed more people, and Kill killer people for FAME.
So, yeah, Mrs Loomis was psycho AF, but not as much as Piper and definitely not as much as Jill.


Jill* killed*


She killed Randy and attacked Dewey but Cici was all Mickey.


But any sane woman would have known that all Sidney did was protect herself from a serial killer. The whole Mrs. Loomis being the killer was kind of always far fetched for me anyway considering she didn't care about Billy enough when her husband cheated on her to stick around, but when her son goes around and kills people and gets killed in the process, she becomes a serial killer for "revenge" for him. I never understood why nobody tried to kill Billy's father.. why was Sidney the main target.


Oh, ok, thanks for telling me. I always thought she killed Cici, though.


A lot of people think it was Mickey who killed Cici because you hear a man grunting, but who knows if the voice changer was under the mask. I'm sure she took part in the phone calls or something. But the only person we can confirm that she killed is Randy.


Mickey was at the party. Cici was all Mrs. Loomis.

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at meee..." Stu




Mrs. Loomis - 9/10
Jill - 10/10
Piper - 8.5/10

They were all insane, but Jill takes the cake. She had absolutely no motive other than just to be famous. And she was so good at hiding her psycho killer side.


"And she was so good at hiding her psycho killer side."


anyone else ?
