Ugh... just watched it

It was perfect. So good I'm angry and sad. Angry and sad like I was when I found out Chris died. I'm upset all over again. I didn't learn much, because I've read the book by his brother Tom Farley "The Chris Farley Show" hundreds of times. But I didn't expect to learn anything. I wasn't looking to learn anything. I just wanted to hear some great people I'm a fan of talk about the funniest man in the world and my favorite comedian of all time. And that's what this was. Odenkirk spit great truths. Lorne Michaels was great. Tom Arnold has been friends with him for a long time, they were really close. He said a lot of good, true things. Especially because he knows what it's like to be an addict and over weight. A must see. Hopefully it gets released on a wide platform. Somewhere everyone can watch this. I miss Chris all the time. Follow Watch


I've seen it as well, its good but I wish it was longer. It was sad how Farley lacked self-confidence so much, always seeking approval from people.

It was pretty crazy when Tom Arnold said "I told Chris you can either be an addict or fat, not both".


I agree with everything you said. Follow Watch


I also forgot to mention, they didn't talk about Chris doing the voice of Shrek before he died. I thought it was weird they didn't talk about it since they interviewed Mike Myers.


Yeah it would have been cool to get some insight into that and other roles he was about to do. Follow Watch


Kevin Farley talked about wanting to do this because of all the negative biographies from people who didn't know him.

The biggest biography was by Tom Farley Jr. a brother who certainly knew him.

I feel like the book gave a much more honest look at the positives and negatives, where the movie just wanted to talk about the positives.
