Why Did Chris...

Do all those drugs? Was it due to fame and success, or was it something that he picked up before?


I think he was always pretty much just a heavy drinker and the fame and success and the fact that he was always uncomfortable and insecure about himself turned him into an alcoholic/ drug user.



His on stage performance was 100% over the top high strung energy. The problem was that Chris didn't know when to turn it off. He started just walking around like that 24/7, and for that you need some performance enhancement.



Movie industry


Because a good many "theater" and "music" people are into hard dope, and heavy drinking, they glamorize it. You will see guilty faces in the doc joined by a precious few who speak against it. For most Chris' drinking and drugging was fine until he couldn't perform like a seal anymore, same as any other actor or singer. It's a immoral, cold industry. Which is why we lose so many actors and singers way before their time. Not a prude myself, but some substances should never be touched and all should be handled with respect. Drink is one of the worst out there when abused, cocaine and heroin are also very bad for you when used regularly and all three of these are very addictive. Chris was introduced to this stuff and got addicted, some people seen here probably still are using. Not being an *beep* about your nineties heroes-I was a naïve kid then too. It's just cold hard life. If everyone simply stuck to the green stuff we'd be a better society period.
