Christina Applegate

I really enjoyed her comments about the Matt Foley sketch as I'd never heard her speak of it before. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must've been for everyone to keep a straight face during that episode.


That Matt Foley sketch is such an essential SNL moment. You're right. How the hell could you function on that stage with that going on?


I'm surprised it took that long to get that sketch onto the air. I think it was Chris' third season. That was his famous Second City character.



I completely agree and I can't believe how unsure Lorne Michaels was about it. It's one of my all time favorite skits since the first time it aired. How did he not find it immediately hilarious?


I agree on the aspects of the sketch being great but I did find it a bit weird that she is given so many moments to speak throughout. I mean she hosted the show with him once. I'm sure they never interacted beyond that one week. Just bizarre someone who's really insignificant in his life is given so much speaking time. And look before you flip out on me I have nothing against her personally. It's just odd that she has as much screen time as, say, Sandler.



I'm sure they never interacted beyond that one week.

How could you possibly know that? I'd be surprised if they didn't bump into one other at award shows and what not.

Even if they hadn't (which again, I highly doubt) she got a lot of time because that was the first time the Matt Foley sketch aired on SNL. So she was part of an iconic sketch and had a great amount of insight about it.

What surprised me is there was no Tim Meadows, Chris Rock, Norm MacDonald, Dana Carvey, Kevin Nealon. (unless I missed any of these people).


My guess is that having too many people would disrupt the flow a bit. I wonder if any of those people you listed recorded interviews that might be seen in a "bonus features" for the movie.

The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme.


What surprised me is there was no Tim Meadows, Chris Rock, Norm MacDonald, Dana Carvey, Kevin Nealon. (unless I missed any of these people).

Probably because he's made tasteless jokes about Farley's death.

Death by stereo


Lorne was too busy trying to make "Opera Man" funny.


Maybe it's because Farley didn't write the sketches. I don't know when Bob Odenkir (sp) started writing for the show but maybe when he came on is when they started the Matt Foley skits.


Idk who wrote the actual skit but, Chris Farley was mostly the one who came up with the character as it was based off of a few people he knew well including an actual man named Father Matt Foley. Regardless, it seemed that Lorne was hesitant because he just didn't see the humor in the skit. That's what I was referring too. That he just couldn't see it at first. I've heard of him reacting that way with some other characters that I've loved. It just blows my mind, he's the creator of the show and sometimes he just doesn't see the humor in some of the best characters.


It just blows my mind, he's the creator of the show and sometimes he just doesn't see the humor in some of the best characters.

It makes me wonder about all the great characters we never got to see b/c he didn't see the humor in them.



<blockquote>It just blows my mind, he's the creator of the show and sometimes he just doesn't see the humor in some of the best characters.

It makes me wonder about all the great characters we never got to see b/c he didn't see the humor in them.</blockquote>

That's the thing about a king maker. Everything gets filtered through his preferences.

That's why, with a straight face, Lorne Michaels could claim that no funny, black women exist. In a country of over 35,000,000 women of African ancestry, zero were funny enough for him. Luckily, he got past his blind spots and now we have Sasheer Zamata and Leslie Jones, on together.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


there have been black women before that, watchoo smokin"

