Boring trailer???

I really loved the first film and I'm sure I'm gonna love number 2 but the trailer was just really boring!


Don't worry. There will be other trailers before the movie is released, and hopefully with some more action.


I think the official trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 will be released soon hopefully and the trailer that came out a few weeks ago is a teaser trailer


It was a teaser/sneak peek not a real trailer. It didn't reveal a plot or any new characters.

Logan was a trailer.
GOTG2 was a reintroduction and reminding people the movie will be out, MCU teasers/trailers don't need to reveal anything. People are already invested.


Ok remember the justice league sneak peek? This is gotg 2 sneak peek

The more I watch the trailer for it though the more hype I get
