Happy Gilmore Rip-off

"Rowdy orphan excels at a gentleman's game he learned from his black mentor, thanks to his super-powerful serve/drive; goes on to play epic underdog match against his uptight, V-neck sweater-wearing rival."

Even has some lines and gags directly lifted...

Throw a Joe Dirt wig on Happy, give him Kenny Powers' ego (and coke habit), and you've got this movie.


and which lines were they?


Off the top my head there was a line where he cockily asked "Was it in? I didn't see it. Was it in?"
Happy said nearly the exact same thing to Shooter:

He also played his racket like a guitar while the announcers described his signature move just the way they described Happy "riding the bull". There were others, but I'm not gonna go back and look. I couldn't even watch the whole thing once. I usually like Andy Samberg, but this was just a half-assed rip-off with some male nudity thrown in for shock value. Oh, yeah, speaking of, his "digital reenactment" appearance was also stolen from BASEketball.


Holy *beep* are you grasping straws about a movie that came out two decades ago.


How is Happy Gilmore's age relevant? Other than that it came out when Andy was in high school, you know Andy is a huge Sandler fan, and he probably watched it 1,000 times. They no doubt were inspired by Happy Gilmore but, like I said in another comment, probably wrote 7 Days in Hell while high and forgot how much of the material was already in Sandler's movie (and other comedies, like BASEketball and The Jerk).


i wasn't thinking Happy Gilmore. But they did ripoff a pivotal bit from Steve Martin's The Jerk. In The Jerk he invented the Opti-Grab for glasses which were a sensation but then caused everyone to go cross-eyed. A judge sentenced Steve Martin to pay back all the money he made from them.

in 7 Days In Hell Samberg invents underwear with a hole for your balls to hang out. They cause people to get infections and a judge orders him to pay back all the money he made.



Yep, that was a rip off too. Pretty sure they wrote this while stoned, and forgot where they got all the gags from.


Did they rip off "it's all in the hips" too?


It's not like 'Happy Gilmore' was the least bit original.



This 'movie' is NOTHING LIKE Happy Gilmore. Yes, they're both comedies. No, there's NOTHING even vaguely similar about them. They're COMPLETELY DIFFERENT styles of comedy. If you get a chance to see this short, 40 minute 'long' mockumentary - which is what this is, completely UNLIKE Happy Gilmour - then do yourself a favour and watch it because it's very original and very funny.


We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


Lol, yeah... they're "nothing" alike... except for all the plot points and lines I pointed out that are EXACTLY the same.
Congrats on figuring out how to change font settings though, champ.


Just got done watching this and I have to say, anyone thinking this is like Happy Gilmore I ask, what the hell are you guys smoking? lol Seriously like how the hell can you even say this is anything even remotely close to that movie?


No way this movie is a rip-off of Happy Gilmore. If you want to talk style, this movie is more like something along the lines that Sacha Baron Cohen would do. The sex scenes right away made me think of Bruno & Borat. Just hilarious!


These comparisons are stupid, absolutely nothing alike, happy was never pro, happy wanted to play a different sport but needed money to save his nannas house, people were being a-holes to happy... where as in this movie, Aaron is an a-hole to everyone only came back to the sport because what Charles said in an interview about being better then him.


Yeah, the original poster obviously has mental problems. These Two movies are NOTHING alike, period. This movie is basically "Tennis Mock Flim" combined with "MTV's Behind the Music." filming style. It's only 40 minutes long, and it's a Mock-umentary...just silly tennis matches, and fake interviews. It's so outlandishly done, that it's Brilliant! It's funny as hell!
