i liked it

i dont understand the bad reviews
many movie like this are very bad but this one is ok
it is scary little bit and for the fans of haunted house this movie is a success
but for sure not a masterpiece but i saw it with big pleasure


You're a horrible human being, and you should feel ashamed. This was a movie about how to not make a movie.


Meh, I didn't think it was as bad as some here are saying, I thought it was decent up until the last 10 mins with it's rushed out "finish the damn script before shooting it" cliche.

Had it has a better more satisfying ending, it might half passed as OK, but it's like the writers just gave up and they filmed it in 10 mins to finish it off.


I thought the same thing, like it just hurried the end up, though I guess Izzy is going to be paying better attention to what's left of the family. Wait, is this sending a message? sneak out and have sex with the bf and your family dies! Haha!
