Sounds interesting s-eating-health-food-led-fatty-liver-disease


Hi Cathy. I saw the film in Geelong two nights ago. I really love it. I came away very disturbed not for me, I'm pretty fit and I run a lot but I look around at the food court and I watch the people drinking that black rubbish and the weight is just dripping off them. The one thing I found very disturbing is that I can no longer have artificial sweeteners. Apparently all it is doing is feeding the craving. I never drink fruit juice. I don'[t eat a lot of fruit but I eat very well otherwise. My one solitary weakness is bread. I eat way too much of it. See the movie Cathy. It's life changing. I say this sincerely.

If you are not busy being born, you are busy dying.


What I am curious to know is if this film also covers how bad most breads, rice and pasta are equally bad for you as they convert to sugar and cause an increase in blood sugar levels as well as weight gain. Ditto potato.

The best type of diet appears to be plenty of vegetables (though be a little cautious of root vegetables) including salad types as well.

As far as fruit goes berries are by far the best and can be eaten with Greek Yogurt (which unfortunately a lot of people don't like).

Avoid all processed foots (including meats) Limit red meat but fish is fine (though not deep fried & battered).

Some people live on low carb high fat diets but I must admit I am a bit weary of too much fat. I do over do the cheese. Also the best thing to drink is WATER. No fruit juice or sodas of any kind. Red wine in limitation is good ditto nuts particuarly almonds and walnuts.

Most (i.e. just about all) breakfast cereals are poison.

Having said all this there is no harm having the occasional treat (be it a piece of cake or other desert, a pasta dish, some salami, ice cream, etc) but make sure it doesn't turn into a habit.

Also a little dark chocolate with a very large coco content is also fine.

And then there is keep active. People don't have to run marathons but an hour or so a day of brisk walking is also helpful.

I am horrified by the number of obese people walking around, particularly young people.


I don't know, it sounds to me like someone saw Super-Size Me and decided "I can do the same with sugar!". It seems to me that if you start eating anything in excess. I'll watch it because I'm sure it has some useful information and interesting facts, but it's getting tough because everything is bad for you in one way or another.
