MovieChat Forums > The Boy (2016) Discussion > The Parents whole deal..

The Parents whole deal..

(Spoilers, obvs)

Why did they need to commit suicide? It's not like Brahms was going to follow them to wherever they went.
I honestly thought Malcolm and Greta would adopt the Brahms doll and it would turn out that the doll was ageless and had had many parents before the original pair. Any visitor the doll would take a shining to would become possessed by it and forced to take care of it as if it were a real child. A much better plot in my opinion. The doll took a shining to Greta, set her up with Malcolm and forced the old parents to leave them everything and kill themselves.

Also, when Greta's friend is on the phone and predicting what she's doing "I bet you're wearing the orange dress, having a glass of wine" etc. Was that supposed to be Brahms?


That makes no sense since the boy was well known to be their child before he killed that girl.





What a wild over active imagination you have my dear!?!


Guilt for covering for him cause he murdered I guess?


Great post. This is exactly where I thought the story was headed.

And you're right, it didn't make sense that the parents committed suicide.


I, too, thought the plot was going in that direction which reminded me of "The Skeleton Key (2005)" which had a much more horrifying (but somehow satisfying) ending.


I wonder whether all the previous nannies were actually killed by Brahms (with the parents' complicity) and they couldn't live with the guilt.

Or it's just the guilt of Brahms killing the girl when he was a kid and them hiding him for all these years.

Forever 9 Angels


I think he did kill all the other nannies. I thought that anyway but definitely felt it was confirmed when he said "if you leave kill Malcolm just like I killed all the others" so he could mean the other nannies and also just maybe other guests that unfortunately show up at the house uninvited.



I don't think the other nannies were killed. I think when he said he'd kill Malcolm like the others he was referring to Emily and Cole. I don't think they would have been able to cover up a bunch of dead nannies.


At first I suspect they commit suicide because they were prisoners of their home and just tired in general. Brahms had a schedule that basically was like a job and all jobs get old after 20 years. Even the doll's Father said how great it would be to finally get away from the house.

Greta having lost a child is something the doll would know because her child would have been a spirit too. So this is why he chose her and no other that had come before him.

What I was confused about was why didn't they just take the doll with them intothe lake? Regardless of his capabilities Brahms obviously wasn't a mind reader because he eavesdrop.

I was confused until they went from a great British Gothic horror film of a spiritual love between parents and a (deceased)child to a typical American Gore film was disappointing. I think this is why so many hated it.

The parents, instead of killing themselves should have killed their psychotic son as a child instead of feed into his serial killer behavior. He said I will kill you like the others, so he didn't kill one little girl as a child and it stopped there.

This is why the parents killed themselves I think: they've been luring unsuspected "playmates" over years for their shy son hidden in the house. His shyness and psychosis made worse because he had been disfigured in the fire; a fire they set probably to kill him because of what he did to the girl as a boy. They probably changed their mind and saved him, but it was too late the physical damage was done to Brahms. Weighed with guilt of what they tried to do spent the rest of their lives trying to make it up to him, until they could stand no more.

Now being a young man of 28 Brahms probably longed for female companionship and love. Since he was disfigured in the fire and he was a murder they said he died to protect him. They probably come back and whoever they left to watch over him ended up dead probably for mistreating the doll and not becoming accepting like Greta who lost a child. I think this last time the parents simply decided not to come back.


You know the doll wasn't actually alive right? It wasn't a spirit. It didn't 'chose' Greta because it knew she'd lost a baby and seen its spirit too....


I contributed the fire to the parents, setting it as a rouse in order to prevent Brahms from being questioned and potentially facing the criminal or mental health system.

It was an effort on their part to deceive the authorities into believing that Brahms perished in the flames. As a result, he escaped justice for that entire duration of time.


I was confused until they went from a great British Gothic horror film of a spiritual love between parents and a (deceased)child to a typical American Gore film was disappointing. I think this is why so many hated it.

My thoughts as well. The slasher but was too much too soon and somehow reduced the tension of the film. I had a brief moment of horror when the adult brahms emerged from the mirror - it was very supernatural.

Having said that I do think that the plot was a good one - though maybe the ending was rushed. A supernatural plot would have been harder to execute well.


I just didn't get why he was living in the walls full time since he was a child. They live in a manor in a remote area, so it would not be difficult to hide him if people came by.


I think it had something to do with the fact the parents were scared of him since he killed the Emily girl. Thats probably why they made/bought him a mask and it would also explain why the fled with no plan on returning.


But even if they were scared of him, what could he do if they literally walked out? Chase them down? The were clearly very wealthy and had the means to flee if they wanted.


Because he's killed multiple people before, multiple nannies. He's a sick, twisted, "odd" killer. Whether the fire that was rumored to have killed him was on purpose and for whatever reason leaves open some speculation, but the parents I imagine killed themselves because he was a dangerous, controlling, delusional person, but he was their son. They weren't willing to kill their son or let him die. And they were complacent in multiple murders and I'm sure other horrendous behavior.
