MovieChat Forums > Kept Woman (2015) Discussion > dvr skipped..did I miss?

dvr skipped..did I miss?

So, my dvr somehow messed up and put the movie into two recordings. Cam you let me know if I missed anything without any spoilers? Its still really early in the movie. Thank you.

1st recording ended with her gardening and simon pulled up and was unloading his groceries and she mentioned that he had a lot of groceries and he said he hates to shop. It then cut over to her and her fiance talking but it cut off so I didnt catch anything they said.

2nd recording started with her walking up to simons house with a shovel and hes not answering. It then cuts over to her facetiming that dude oscar.


She was discussing her suspicions about simon with her hubby, like how he purchased an abundance of groceries, yet he had said he does not cook. Hubby told her he (Simon) might be having an affair and how she needs to stop being so suspicious and quit with her conspiracy theories simply because Simon was not as boring as their other neighbors. Simon then came over to loan her the shovel he realized he had. After that she went to return the shovel, when he was not home she peeked into his home through his windows, next scene was her talking to her buddy on the computer.


Thank you! Did her and her hubby fight about money and he sleep on the couch? Or was that not actually shown?


During that scene? They only argued about her feelings about simon and the hubby was kind of throwing in her face their living situation, like he did in other scenes about him struggling to pay the mortgage on his own. Don't remember any sleeping on the couch scenes.


Evan did sleep in the couch the night they argued, and he left early and then she disappeared/kidnapped.
