MovieChat Forums > Total Frat Movie (2016) Discussion > PLEASE READ THIS: Worst movie of all tim...

PLEASE READ THIS: Worst movie of all time. Seriously.

So I was lucky enough to see this movie via screening (I was paid $10). I say lucky because I now have the opportunity to warn people about it. Every single character is an Aryan shade of white, which, even as a white guy myself, is really *beep* disturbing.

Also, there is a rape subplot. Seriously. A guy is drugged and raped by a girl. The humor and end of the story arc here is "haha it's ok because it's a girl raping a guy. No harm done. Just brag about it, dude."

Now ignoring those top two facts (which should be enough for you to not see it and want to murder everyone involved), there are a good zero funny jokes. None of them were good. And all of them were cliche. "HAHA nerds at this party. Why are they here?! HAHA Old women naked. Gross! HAAAA We're *beep* idiots!!" (I will say Tom Green's character is semi-funny, but not enough to redeem the movie.)

So yeah, seriously, don't see this movie and spread the word about why people shouldn't see it. It's everything bad with the world in an hour and a half.


what exactly is Alex House's part in this?


Don't worry there is absolutely no danger of me ever watching this movie, and probably not anybody else either. Looks like another dog turd on film.


Relax dude. It's a funny movie.



Its really sounds all cool to me sissy boy


You're whining that they finally put female on male rape into a movie?
Why don't you shut the fawk up ya sexist; it's a serious problem that crazy feminist sl*ts think they can get away with total bullcrap like that, AND raping minors while in their 30s/20s, then turn around and cry rape at men in their 40s dating adult women (not minors) in their 20s... like seriously....

A 17 year old boy though is okay for a 29 year old woman to sleep with, AND THEN SAY SHE IS THE VICTIM!?
Kind of like how it's okay to mutilate a boy's genitals at birth, and condemn a country on the other side of the world mutilating a girls genitals for the same two common reasons we mutilate boys here in western 'civil' ization...

GET PAST the paradigm... this is REAL gender equality... FEMINISM is just reversing sexist paradigms to benefit women and harm men and we live in an area where movies like this are GREAT for finally touching on it in modern times--such is the path to ELIMINATING the paradigms and not just making them destructive towards males to elevate the female ego. Feminism suffers civil war within itself because of the growing wave of sexist women attacking women who want real equality... those 'real' femininsts need to accept 50 years ago the word feminist meant something different than what it means today.
Let the label go... that's what you wanted, after-all, to eliminate labels... not replace them.

40 days and 40 nights did this back in the early 2000s, and now Josh Harnett (a rising star of the era) has no career or reputation as a result of backlash.
Google it.
Hopefully, humans are more evolved now--judging by the imdb ratings though, it's gone in the opposite direction devolving closer towards monkeys...



Gloria Steinem openly stated that the Black Power movement was her idea of a perfect model for feminism. Racism against racism, sexism against sexism. Some radical feminist declared that women "as a group" were not "privileged" enough to consent to sex, therefore all HETEROSEXUAL sex acts were rape. Disempowerment is empowerment?


Every time I see a someone call a movie with a budget, a sound track and a cameras they didn't buy from a pawn shop the "worst movie ever" I immediately know that persons opinion on film is worthless and they have absolutely no idea what a truly bad movie it. Worst movie every... what a joke. There are only a handful of movies that can contend for that title and this certainly isn't one of them.

I'm not trying to defend this as a good movie. It's not. It's mediocre as best. I'm not even a film snob but most of the shots are in frame and it actually has a few transitional shots there were pretty well composed. The plot was mostly cohesive. The characters were over the top caricatures of of cliched archetypes but at least they owned that. It's like of the like a modern day cheesy 80's movie. Hell, even your moral objections are mild. I could direct you to movies that by your standards were evil incarnate. Go watch Bloodsucking Freaks or Salo and then you can at least have a basic talk about deprave and disturbing films. And that's no even venturing too far off the path. There is much much worse.

I know it sounds like I love this movie or something but the truth is I just put it on Netflix for something to play while I was organizing my media collection. It was literally a filler movie that I will never watch again. But this "worst movie ever" *beep* across so many forums just pisses me off. Somewhere along the line we decided that "everyone is entitled to an opinion" actually meant "everyone's opinion is valid". They're not. You're entitled to believe something like the Holocaust was a good thing but you'd be wrong.

Bottom line? If you actually think this is the worst movie of all time you're either an idiot or liar. You can choose which.
