What is up with Nick?!

He turned into a complete butthole! Geez.
He totally flipped his lid. Weird. He gives her nothing in form of communication and then boom he blows a gasket. Uh, ok. I feel sorry for her because she seems to really be trying. It seems like he is aggravated at himself and his own inability to communicate or connect to another human so he takes it out on her. Maybe he is soul mates with his dogs. Move on, Sonia...don't waste any more time.


He's drunk and immature.


He was mean and cruel. Sonia was really trying


Cruelty seems to be a common personality trait with the men on the show.


Where do you see that behavior from Tom? Tho I think something (if I believe the clips for next week) is going to surface.


I was thinking of behavior from the men in previous seasons. Ryan DeNino was always going after Jessica during their time on the show then during the reunion it became worse with him allegedly threatening to kill her. Ryan R. basically ghosted Jaclyn. As for Tom, I have no idea if he is cruel, I wasn't referring to him. Although at times I question how smoothly things seem to be going with him and Lilly. Especially with the preview for next week. The editing is terrible this season. Unless I missed it, her shoulder issues were not mentioned at all this week.


Agreed. Ryan was cruel and terrorized poor Jessica. I was shocked at some of the things that I read took place. That was sad to hear about. I also heard nothing about Lillian's shoulder this week. When a MD says you need surgery it's usually because the patient has a lot of pain and therefore to fix it fast would get them relief (and on less pain meds which is a consideration these days) or he's afraid it could get worse (others too but I'm condensing here). I did see her hit the piƱata, carry food to help hostess the party, stretch her arm in making the bed without a wince and go on with her ADLs with no complaints. I didn't think about that until you brought it up...good point !! This is a weird season. So much seems off and it could be the editing, hasty production or a director who has no idea how to keep things fluid. I wonder what drama they (T and L) will have next week (from the teasers) but Tom is seemingly more fake every episode and just 'acting' for the cameras so he gets painted as a good guy. Hmm


Then there is the bus. I think Tom was told upfront by the production team that he would be moving out of the bus for the duration of the show because it would be difficult to film in. The show made a big deal about how Tom was being so accommodating for Lilly's comfort, but in the end it was probably the production team telling him to live somewhere else or he would not be on the show.


^^ lol !! You probably just hit the nail on the head. I hadn't thought of that but I think you're correct. I also wonder if it smells as it didn't look too clean. Lily also didn't care for his bed on the bus and he probably saw no need to replace the mattress as he might be a capitalist pig for spending enough to get a good one !!


I thought the same thing about her shoulder. For how much she was distraught over the surgery, not a mention.

I just watched MAFS Unfiltered and you can see two marks on her shoulder that may be from arthroscopic surgery.


He never liked her and just couldn't admit it until he was pushed to the edge. If he had just been honest with himself he could've saved his (and Sonia's) energy and time. Now, he just looks like the world's biggest tool. I felt so bad for her.


Glad he got a few drinks into him and spoke his mind. Finally. Can you imagine how it would be to be pushed -- daily -- to "open up"? Over and over again. He didn't want to tell her he's not attracted to her, but she and the producers and the experts kept pushing him to open up... well, they finally got his true feelings. He finally opened up.


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I'm the upcoming previews she claims they had sex. The whole time I was watching them I was thinking they should just go for it, one of them make a move. Nothing brings the intimacy faster then letting your animal side out. So now I'm thinking if what she said is true then DAMN the sex had to be that bad??


Maybe she's a dead fish. Maybe he's a lousy lover.


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


For him to just be so unattractive to her is mind boggling, at least to get him to that breakdown he had. She definitely has all the right curves and is certainly attractive enough. You would think laying there together every night would lead to something. He's either gay, autistic, or a gay autistic


I don't think Nick has any Autism. I personally think that he is gay. He is a clothing designer in real life. The Section 8 Yachting Clothes he is always wearing is his brand. I believe he just did this for free advertising. Because of the stupid name the brand has to failing. I mean why wouldn't you search Section 8 on google before putting it on t'shirt with Yachting. Either he is a complete moreon or he wants to insult the poor people on Section 8 who sure CAN'T afford a Yach. Being gay is the only thing that would explain a lot about his behavior and why he seems repulsed by all women.


He's definitely gay. Anyone who hasn't picked up on it needs their gaydar checked.


Why is it so hard for many here to understand that "section 8 yacht club" is meant to be ironic? It was intentionally called that, knowing full well what section 8 means. All these 10 year olds not understanding irony...


And he should "automatically" be into Sonia? Apparently on this forum if you're a female contestant you're allowed to not be into your spouse, but if you're a guy you're gay.

I'll be honest: I wouldn't be into Sonia, either. I thought she was cute at first, but the more I watch the less attractive she becomes... And I only spend maybe 15 minutes a week with her. I couldn't imagine spending the day with her.


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


love isn't about finding the perfect person. it's about finding someone and growing with them, while acknowledging both their (and your own) strengths and weaknesses


I think that was his reaction too--he said something about being less attracted to her now (or at the time of the episode) than he initially was.


I can definitely see why he would lose any attraction for her. It's pretty easy to understand...


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


That was an incredibly mean thing to say.


love isn't about finding the perfect person. it's about finding someone and growing with them, while acknowledging both their (and your own) strengths and weaknesses


Wait, I thought he rented vacation homes.


Hes not repulsed by women just not into sonia. Whats the big deal?


This is crazy. Just because he doesn't find a particular woman attractive he must be gay? Gimme a break. People think Heather is attractive, too, but I think she's awful looking. Am I gay?


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


I'm pretty sure if you dropped a box of toothpicks on the floor he could count them in seconds.
Seriously, he's gay and he should open up about it. Cmon nick, open up already


No, but I think his complete disinterest and saying things like he wasn't going to rush things, he wanted things to develop organically...that's fine if you have years ahead of you to work out the kinks, but on his timetable they won't even get past being pillow buddies.


He was trying not to come out with it. Trying not to say: "I don't like her". His "take time, let things develop organically" was "I'm going to make it through the six weeks and then get my divorce".


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


They might have had some kind of sex...it's not always intercourse. I'm wondering if he's impotent. Whatever it was it didn't help them bond as a couple.


I think she is talking about having sex with someone besides Nick!


Maybe that explains his anger, that when they finally did it he felt inadequate, and proceeded to take it out on her.


That is an interesting theory. He seemed determined to make her feel bad. He seems like he would be quick on the draw.


That is an interesting theory. He seemed determined to make her feel bad. He seems like he would be quick on the draw.

I suspect he's an a-hole drunk. I say this as an a-hole drunk myself. As it happens, IRL I always put other people's feelings ahead of my own. I will do my best not to hurt or offend whenever I can when it comes to personal relationships. However, when I get loosened up with a few drinks, I tend to say to myself: "The heck with it, put your sensitivity aside and be blunt and just tell them how you really feel."

I always regretted it later, once the booze wore off. So that's why I quit drinking... because it hurt me so much to hurt others with honesty.

So, maybe he's like me in that regard. Maybe that's why he kept resisting the prodding for weeks and weeks to "open up" and finally did once he was clearly under the influence.


Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/


That was the shocker...that up until then he seemed pretty laid back, more than in fact, but all of a sudden when she's talking about taking things forward (i.e., let's get down to it in the bedroom) he suddenly erupts with this outburst that sounded very fear-based to me.

And immature, like a child would react if you had asked them for the 20th time to try some broccoli: "I don't like broccoli, I'm NEVER going to like it, stop asking me to explain why I don't, don't ever bring it up to me again because I"M NEVER GOING TO EAT THE DAMN BROCCOLI!"


Sometimes people lose sight of what this show is about. No one is ever obligated to "like" someone or be attracted to them. That's why they have the option to get divorced at the end of the show.

That said, I think anyone involved owes it to themselves and their spouse to give 100% in the process. Maybe there's not initial attraction - wait and see if something develops. If the other person is sometimes annoying, try to think about their positive qualities.

What Nick did was just close off and stop trying, but I feel like he didn't want to be the "bad guy" so he came up with a bunch of stupid excuses about why things had not been better. I mean if these people can't hang in there for six weeks then it says a lot about them. They are the ones that agreed to do the show.
