MovieChat Forums > Stitchers (2015) Discussion > the ending , cameron don't

the ending , cameron don't

the ending was so cliche yet i really liked this show overall, it is fun and i don't know why people are judging this so hard this is just a tv show with a good-ish/interesting plot no need for life changing stuff to enjoy a tv series
ps:i'm glad that it is renewed(?) and i hope cameron isn't actually dead for real cause i like the cast and it would be such boomer to let him go after we've seen his connection with kristen:/


I hope Cameron survives.


If he dont I wont be watching this show anymore, I stopped watching bones after the first episode of S10, what happened killed the show.


haha, I was already debating whether or not to continue watching Bones after the soap operaish cliffhanger of Palant (so?) telling Booth that if he marries Brennan than several people would be killed (that was in season eight I think). palant was like a very bad charicature of a soap villain. It was beneath the show and ruined my love of the show. I watched most of the episodes of the following season though, but when I read how that season ended, I was annoyed and skipped that season finale. my brother told me about what he read regarding this past season premiere and what they did killing off Sweets. I was already annoyed with what they did with my favorite character Zack. Then my next favorite Vincent was killed and then Sweets. its like anytime there is a character the audience likes better than B and B, they are made to be killers (Zachary) or killed off. Ugh. Yeah Bones is a show that I won't watch anymore.

By the way, the girl who played Marta on Stitchers is the same one who plays/played Cam's daughter, Michelle on Bones.

I think (and hope) Cameron will wake up in season two. The show would not be as good without him and his interaction with Kirsten.


I think (and hope) Cameron will wake up in season two. The show would not be as good without him and his interaction with Kirsten.

In the finale, they wrote in the bit about Cameron and Kirsten having met as children. It seems to indicate that their fates are intertwined, so I'd be really surprised if they killed him off after beginning that storyline.

Glad this has been renewed, because otherwise, what a horrible note to end on!


Long live the pool ducks


I completely agree about pretty much everything you said about Bones. It was my favorite show up until a couple seasons ago, but I got into the habit of looking up why characters are killed off and it was Sweets idea to leave the show. He had other stuff going on and didn't have time for Bones anymore.


Yeah, I understand it was the actor's choice to leave. I just wonder why the writers' go to thing is to kill the characters off when the actors want to leave. They could have them take another job or something.


The actor asked for some time off to direct Vacation, TPTB choose to kill him off instead


This exact same thing has been done over and over again. In the half dozen or so times I've seen this exact same scene in other shows, and I'm sure in many shows I haven't seen, the person is always revived at the start of the next episode. It's gotten to the point that it's not all that suspenseful anymore to end an episode like this.


Yeah, to me the bigger cliffhanger is whether or not Fisher will survive. I'm pretty sure Cameron will.


Cameron should die, it's clearly obvious he's not though.

For the story and the show to have some "edge" and give real stakes, Cameron dying could prove that and not to mention the emotional impact it can have on Kirsten.


Killing an important character just for the sake of "edge" is extremely pretentious. Cameron plays an important role in Kirsten's life and the show needs him.


apart from being tired of the same old cliffhanger. she's so shut off emotionally already and now that opened up a little and understands his feelings and their connection since childhood i do think that the main character wouldn't be able to recover from losing him. i wouldn't mind to see this show to develop into something dark and great though. :-)


they did the flashback to when they were kids. I think he def survives.
