Linus annoyed me...

First of all, it rubs me the wrong way when your friend allows you to stay with him and you end up doing the exact sort of thing that your friend had warned you about when he let you stay with him. I mean seriously? I get that they were in the moment, but having sex in Cameron's bed is kind of gross. Poor Cameron will probably have to burn the bed. Secondly, his logic behind Kirsten and Cameron makes no sense. If someone's half clothed friend walked into a room when that someone is about to kiss someone, it would kill the mood no matter who it is.


Yeah he seemed to totally change his personality in the last episode. He'd always been rooting for his best friend to be happy, and I'm sure he's always been Team Kirsten, so why the sudden change? Seems like the writers are trying to prolong the "will they won't they" dynamic


Linus has been like nails on a chalkboard since the first episode. He's changed, but overall seems to be every bit as annoying.

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


I thought there was a switch somehow. I liked Linus better in the first season, now I like Camille much better (and did she become even hotter?) in season 2.

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"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"
