MovieChat Forums > Glue (2014) Discussion > 2nd Season? Where would they go?

2nd Season? Where would they go?

I've heard a lot of people begging for a second season, and I loved the show, but...where do you go from here? The mystery has been solved, so do they find some other way to follow these characters or do they start with a new cast and a new murder?
I'd love to follow these characters more because I quite like them, but I think it would be a mistake from a storytelling angle.


A lot of storylines and characters seemed to be added just for the sake of having a few red herrings to keep people guessing about the killer. They could always develop these further. For example the whole story of Ruth and Tina's Dad, James' family situation, the character of Annie in general. Unfortunately I don't think there will be a second season going by the ratings for the first.
