Sunny is now a ???


So the Badlands Credtors/Writers have said the following in their previous interviews:

Barons = Shoguns
Clippers = Samurais (warriors with Shoguns as their masters)
Nomads = Ronins (wandering warriors with no master)

Since Sunny has turned on Quinn (with a good reason) and stabbed him, regardless of whether Quinn survives or not, would that pretty much now make Sunny a Nomad?

Of course, while it may be possible of Sunny going to work for another Baron, but I somehow find that unlikely, unless he is forced into the situation.

Sunny the nomad.....Lol, doesn't have as nice ring to it as Sunny the Clipper.


Right now sunny is a prisoner


Yes, at the moment Sunny is a prisoner. But good point to question what his role is once he somehow finds freedom. M.K. too for that matter. Veil has a profession and I guess the closest to a middle class lifestyle as you get in this universe. For Sunny and M.K. there marketable skills are survival and protection. How to parlay that into an existence outside of the Fort will be interesting.


We don't know yet what the rest of the world is like. So far all we have seen is the Badlands. And to be fair no one we have met in the shows knows either.


I'm going to assume the River Baron isn't in charge of some bayou, but a much larger and longer tributary. He therefore would know a lot more of the other territories.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


Sunny the monk who takes a vow to never ever take a life again. With a sword. But hands are okay.
Sunny the Bullet-Fist Monk. And there he goes, saving at least as many lives as he has tattooed lines on his back.
